• **Exacta Strategy Test = Wednesday 1/15 get-together 7:30 eastern - 4:30 pacific
    Thanks Brian, appreciate you also including the Tri results. If we are picking good contenders, the Tri's should fall into place as well! Good work!
  • It’s 5:30 am…
    Dave, I truly admire your inner strength and the approach you take to life. Here's to those victories; however big or small they may be for each of us!
  • Working Groups to learn deTerminator
    Hi Everyone,
    My name is Jeff Piotraschke, but you can call me “Pio” (PY-OH ) I’m not new to Dave Schwartz land, but new to the deTerminator and this forum, Since this thread was still open, I thought it was as good a spot as any to make my first post and introduce myself to what seems to be the core of the DET Community.
    I Live in the Minneapolis, MN area, and have been an impassioned horseracing fan for nearly 40 years (with a few life-induced breaks along the way). My wife and I became Thoroughbred Owners/Breeders in 2019, and I plan to make racing study and investment my full-time gig when I retire in Feb of 2025. I am just wrapping up almost 20 years in Corporate IT Security, after a 22-year career in Law Enforcement.
    I am a Pace handicapper and have used many different tools along the way. It seems I have exposed myself to many ideas, methodologies and applications without becoming an expert in any of them My goal is become more consistently successful in my business, and the deTerminator, this community and my personal commitment to the “Mission” seems to be the best/only way to achieve that goal.

    Thanks to Brian’s generosity with his time to provide me a nice overview of DET on Friday, and Dave willingness to help me throughout the weekend, I am up and running with the deTerminator. I may be close to useless for a while as I crawl along the learning curve but am truly committed to doing whatever I can to help build this user community.

    My apologies for the length of my post, but I am excited to get to know all of you and the deTerminator!