Finding out what wins I thought this was most interesting so I went back and reviewed WHAT WINS - Dave Schwartz and worked up the attached for the spring meet at Keeneland. I am not to the point where I could actually use this data but I thought that some one else might have an insight or three and would share.
Most headings I hope are self explanatory but if not.... (the _# is just to help keep me straight in the code, it's not relavent to much of anything else)
TRK_1 track name
DATE_2 date of race
RACE_3 race number
ML_10 morning line odds
FINSH_15 finish
PT_ODDS_16 post time odds
WIN_17 win payoff
PLACE_18 place payoff
SHOW_19 show playoff
ML_RANK_20 morning line odds rank
PT_RANK_21 post time odds rank
PRIMEP_RANK_22 prime power rank
EP_RANK_23 early pace (my version) rank
LP_RANK_24 late pace (my version) rank
SAR_RANK_25 some combination of Sartin fps numbers (I would have to look closely to see the computations)
B_365_RANK_26 best speed in 365 days rank
BL2_RANK_27 best of last two speeds rank
TR/JO_RANK_28 combined trainer jockey win percentage rank
LRS_RANK_29 last race speed rank