
  • Result Charts as part of handicapping process
    I'm interested to see how result charts play into your handicapping process, if at all. I use DRF Formulator result charts for the following information.
    How did starters run in subsequent races.
    Did the race invert? For example, did all of the speed tire?
    What kind of Beyers did runners post in subsequent races?
    Did any of todays rivals run against a horse last time?
    Review the PP's of the winner in the last race,
    How are you utilizing result charts today? Thanks for the feedback
    Tony Kofalt

    Can you possibly show (or describe) how you keep notes for charts?

    I'm working on the notes section of the new software and would love to see a few examples of how you do it.
  • Podcast featuring Mike Maloney
    so I have access to their premium products.Tony Kofalt

    What sort of products do they offer?
  • Void claims

    Good post.
    The fact that you posted it caused me to actually read it this time.
  • Looking for suggestions regarding early speed and race setup
    @RanchWest has done some work in this area and I've got to say it has plenty of merit.

    I know Ranch has shared it before but perhaps he can reprise that a bit.
  • Why a Winning System/Method Has to be Rebuilt From Scratch Periodically
    We've reached the point of diminishing returns here.

    We see the wagering world far differently.
  • Why a Winning System/Method Has to be Rebuilt From Scratch Periodically
    I contend that the profitable ones are.

    If you have an edge, you *** ARE *** the casino.
  • Why a Winning System/Method Has to be Rebuilt From Scratch Periodically
    So, you don't believe that card counters can win at black jack?
  • Why a Winning System/Method Has to be Rebuilt From Scratch Periodically
    Although winning methods can exist , which counter balance the effects of "random chance ", the "Holy Grail" cannot exist unless "chance" is completely eliminated.William Zayonce

    Casinos seem to do reasonably well despite the fact that "chance" exists.
  • Why a Winning System/Method Has to be Rebuilt From Scratch Periodically
    I have also learned that the Holy Grail is migratory.RanchWest

    That quote is worth the price of admission.

    I generally refer to it as "fragile" but perhaps "migratory" is better because it does seem to come and go. And dare I add, "... never to return."
  • What a Winning Player Looks Like
    What he is doing is pretty fantastic.

    Did you notice that his average mutuel is $3.57?
  • Why a Winning System/Method Has to be Rebuilt From Scratch Periodically
    Thought provoking Dave. I seem to recall you describing 'Whales' going through a similar process each year.Tony Kofalt

    I understand that they begin working on it during the summer so that they're prepared to roll it out in January.

    That's why things seem to change from year to year.

    A famous full-time player I use to speak with often, said that for 4 straight years his ROI went down. When he saw it go negative 4 months in a row, he pulled the plug on his racing career.

    He was a mini-whale himself - wagering just shy of $40m per year.
    BTW, he was the only fully automated operation I ever heard of.
  • Why a Winning System/Method Has to be Rebuilt From Scratch Periodically
    Interesting.. we'll need to discover "Which " components to use and "How" to combine them, perhaps tossing in some "negative enhancement" features ?William Zayonce

    That would be the idea.
  • Recap of 2022
    2022 EOY results
    2022 handle was down over 50% from prior year(s)
    Year end total ROI was exactly 20% and the $Net was 2.4.
    Highest $Net of 3.4 was achieved wagering on P5's
    Second highest $Net of 2.37 came from Win bets
    I was a loser in both P3 and P4 wagering pools with $Nets of 0.86 and 1.66 respectively.

    Reduced handle was due my struggle with anxiety and depression.
    Low $Net in P3 and P4 wagers was a surprise. Appears to be due to poor decisions regarding value.
    Handle on Win bets was up significantly from prior years as was the profit!!
    P5's continue to be my most profitable plays
    Tony Kofalt

    When I tell people that this is how the professional & winning players do it - "Tony the K" is the epitome of that.

    Can you see how there is zero AVOIDANCE OF REALITY in all this?

    That's the absolute starting point to succeeding at betting.

    I know guys who keep more stats about their wagering, but I don't know anyone who looks at them as often as Tony.
  • Recap of 2022

    How about I start with prayers & best wishes for a better 2023 for you and yours?
  • Last wager in 2022
    This is what a winning player looks like.

    Best to you in your 2023 endeavors.
  • Season's Greetings to all
    It's a wonderful time of year.
    May you all be warm & safe.

    And I have a simple, two-word suggestion.
    (You know I would have something.)

    Heating Pad
    When it's cold, we sleep with a heating pad over the covers and keep the heat low. Saves big winter $$ on heating costs.

    OK, truth: Our two-story house has a huge flaw: If the temp is set to more than 62 degrees downstairs, it is 85 upstairs. (Not joking.) So, this discovery was a defense mechanism.

    The bird needs 61+, so that's where we keep it.

    During the day we use the gas fireplace.
  • Season's Greetings to all
    And stay WARM! We're looking at wind chills -25 tonight.Tom


    Merry Christmas to you as well!
  • Natural Odds Line and 1-2-3 Systeem
    Life begins anew at 72...LOL.Mickey Arnold

    That's 2 weeks away for me!
  • Natural Odds Line and 1-2-3 Systeem

    Natural odds, by definition, would be the dart-throwing chances.
    • 8-horse field, natural odds would be 7/1.
    • 10-horse field, natural odds would be 9/1.
    • 6-horse field, natural odds would be 5/1.
    • 12-horse field, natural odds would be 11/1.

    However, I suggest that you use a minimum of 8/1 and a maximum of 10/1.

    • 8-horse field, natural odds would be 8/1.
    • 10-horse field, natural odds would still be 9/1.
    • 6-horse field, natural odds would be 8/1.
    • 12-horse field, natural odds would be 10/1.