Your methodology? I wrote my first handicapping program around 1983, written in BASIC on a TI-99/4A computer, which was fairly powerful for a home computer of the era. Manual input from the DRF. I was just trying to see what I could do with fractional times. I didn't really understand a lot about what I was doing with the output calculations. Now I realize I had calculated what we today call f1, f2 and f3 and I did a few rudimentary factors off of those.
Today, my program is written in Harbour, a language which evolved from dBase and Clipper. My source data is Multicaps files. My output is to HTML, so I can read the files on almost any modern device, including my phone if need be. I've got output for all sorts of things, even silks (to make it easier to watch races). Most of the emphasis is on Sartin methodology, which, in large part, is based around what can be done with those fractional times I was working with in 1983. Needless to say, my program of today is far more advanced. I am still implementing new concepts that I learn or develop.