001-Core Programming: Why Bother to Improve Your Coding? I don't know if you've done any object-oriented programming, but one thing that is nice is being able to store data in an object and access it. Makes it easier to make a calculation one time and be done with it, just access the calculated value. — RanchWest
I checked out of OOP almost 2 decades back. Just didn't like it.
But admittedly, I use a language whose original form of OOP was a lot like everything being a complicated way to call a function.
The biggest changes for me have been in my approach to organization.
First I wrote more functions, then added more routines.
I created a rule that said all code for anything goes on a single visible page.
As an example, here's the main page of what is called the
My Handicapping section.
This is the part where your handicapping is stored so that the model and the AI can help you improve things.
Now, this is the BEFORE picture. No code has been written yet, but the comments (green) make it very clear what I'm about to write.