• Dave Schwartz
    If you haven't watched all of the EARLY SPEED series Check it out. Then come back here and tell me what you think.
  • C Reid McLellan
    I know it’s too ingrained in handicapping vernacular to change now, but I think of Dr. Quirin’s numerical assignments as “positional points” (QPP) rather than “speed points” (QSP).
  • Dave Schwartz
    I know it’s too ingrained in handicapping vernacular to change now, but I think of Dr. Quirin’s numerical assignments as “positional points” (QPP) rather than “speed points” (QSP).C Reid McLellan

    How does that work, please?
    I don't recall that.
  • C Reid McLellan
    It’s just a change in the nomenclature. Instead of calling it speed points I called them positional points. An eight point horse is a horse that’s going to be on the engine. It’s the same. It just makes it clearer to me that we’re not necessarily referring to speed. When I look to see whether or not that eight point Horse is going to actually make the lead, I Incorporate my speed analysis ( Which generally goes along with class analysis and the other things that you mentioned such as jockey change etc.)
  • Tony Kofalt
    Dave- Are you calculating the Quirin speed points according to the rules set forth in Winning at the races? I'm only asking as I've seen some folks make subtle modifications to the rules. Thanks
  • Dave Schwartz

    No. It is the version I wrote about in Percentages & Probabilities.
    There is a minor modification.
    Has to do with lightly raced horses.
  • Greg Hawley
    I've watched all 6 ES video's, and Dave's research and stats go right along what I have discovered in the past 2 years, using his HSH software. One of his video's showed a nice NET$ profit on ES 0-5 horses, who happened to be on the lead at the 1st call. I actually stumbled upon that exact situation, while studying longshots. It's such a powerful situation, that I've now incorporated it into my own handicapping.
  • Dave Schwartz
    I've watched all 6 ES video's, and Dave's research and stats go right along what I have discovered in the past 2 years, using his HSH software. One of his video's showed a nice NET$ profit on ES 0-5 horses, who happened to be on the lead at the 1st call. I actually stumbled upon that exact situation, while studying longshots. It's such a powerful situation, that I've now incorporated it into my own handicapping.Greg Hawley

    That's coming when this series continues in episode 7.

    BTW, I think the videos need to be LONGER.
    What do you think?
  • StatsMan
    I can't wait to see where this goes next.
    Just knowing that I can bet against early speed is exciting.
    My biggest hits have come from horses that didn't get a call until the 8th pole.
  • JRand
    BTW, I think the videos need to be LONGER.
    What do you think?
    Dave Schwartz

    I agree.I think the videos need to be longer. You've got so much knowledge that we could all use.

    About early speed points - What factors would tell us that an 8- point horse wasn't going to the front?

    Does the jockey mean much? It seems that there are jockeys who can't get home with a horse on the lead.
    What about the trainer?
  • William Zayonce
    Yes to longer videos!
  • RanchWest
    What about the trainer?JRand

    One trainer told me that if a jockey wasn't going to put his horses forward, he'd find a jockey who would.
  • Chuck
    Was also curious if you incorporate the winning margin of horses based on your SRI into your Par Times and Classes. Was wondering if so...how do the weighing in terms of the amount of races that are run at different classes in terms if you base those winning margins and the Running style i.e. 9 on Top E. and your measurement of 1 for closing.
  • Dave Schwartz
    While winning margin does make a small difference, it is not what people would expect.

    Well, perhaps I should ask what you'd expect it to mean first.
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