• Tony Kofalt
    For those who play the NY circuit I'd like to point out a feature on the NYRA website. Use nyra.com and on the top left of the page select the track that is currently running. Then on the menu on the top of the page select 'racing' and then 'track trends' from the menu that is displayed.
    In short NY describes the track conditions and biases that may exist on each racing day. The comments are a bit subjective but I've found them quite useful over time. They can be especially useful when deciding to upgrade or downgrade a horses chances of winning. For example a horse may have run poorly last out going 4-5 wide on a track that heavily favored early speed. Feel free to forgive that poor effort. I realize that this is Handicapping 101 but track trends has saved me a lot of time in record keeping. It's definitely worth a look.
  • Conley
    Great tool Tony!

    The cool thing is that they also archive these Track Trends so you can look back at them
    Aqueduct now-2016
    Belmont Park now-2017
    Saratoga now-2016
  • Tony Kofalt
    And, if you work with a tool that permits 'notes' you can add these track trends so they become a permanent part of a horses PP's
  • Tom
    Andy Serling does a good job keeping the bias/trends updated.
    Another NYRA feature, since we are on the subject, id the Trackus charts.
    For all NYRA turf races, they give the last 2 furlongs data no matter what the distance, so you
    can directly compare the same closing efforts on the same exact part of the track
  • Tony Kofalt
    Thanks Tom! Appreciate that. I can see that being very helpful especially on turf races.
  • Tony Kofalt
    I've had a difficult time at Aqu this winter. My win percentage is down sharply and I'm struggling to understand why some of my selections have run so poorly. The easy way out is blame the track, which has been hard as hell to read. There have been many biased tracks but I'm not convinced that is the answer. If it wasn't for a few P5's I'd be down 5 figures several times over.
    Has anyone else been struggling at Aqu this winter? I'd appreciate hearing about any insight you may have.
  • Tom
    I was doing very well at Aqu up until the rains came, then the track just went bomkers, and now, we have a cuople weeks with all pacelines being suspect due to extreme biases. I stopped playing it altogether. For me, Parx and FG are far better tracks to play lately. NY can't seem to control it's track surfaces.
  • RanchWest
    Tony, I haven't been handicapping AQU, but I was wondering... are you maintaining any profiles? Are the winners contra to your profile data?
  • Tony Kofalt

    Thanks for the reply Tom! I may simply be struggling with the same issues. I hope track maintenance gets their arm around this soon.
  • Tony Kofalt

    Ranch- I do maintain a rolling track profile. Nothing fancy just hand written notes. I also input any biases into notes that carry forward with a horses PP's. Aqu has had many days this winter where speed and the inside part of the track have been golden. I probably missed some winners here as I try not to jump to bias conclusions quickly. Then there have been a number of days where speed carried for 5 races or so followed by an outside closers track for the last few races. Very inconsistent.
    Thanks for the ideas Ranch
  • RanchWest
    Sounds like the old Inner Dirt days. I used to play a P4 contest and it seemed it was always smart to include the horse breaking from the 1 hole.
  • Tony Kofalt

    Lol- was the P4 contest on Paceadvantage? If so I played one year. It was a blast. I managed to finish 3rd but there were some good players in it
  • RanchWest

    Yes, that's the one. There were usually about 50 to 60 players. I finished 1st once and 8th once. I don't know about the other years... better to forget, I guess. The first day I played I won enough to win the season. Then I hit another big one and I was one race off of hitting one bigger than both of those combined. The year I finished 8th, one day I hit a $200 cold P4... didn't pay much, but 200 times was pretty good. With real money, most of us would have been big losers. lol
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