• Tony Kofalt
    Here is a recap of the first 6 months of wagering in 2023. I think it's important to know where I stand wagering so I can make adjustments if I must. I am disappointed in the numbers thus far, but I can't say I feel badly about my betting. I'm going to stay the course keeping my eyes open.

    2023 First 2 quarters
    • 2023 handle was up about 20% compared to 2022. This is positive for me.
    • YTD ROI is -1.62%, meaning that I have lost a small amount in 2023.
    • Wager on P5's is an alarming, -32%.
    • Bet yielding the highest profit has been P4's at 52%
    • Profit/Loss at Aqu was -19%. I must keep an eye open here as the large majority of wagers are made at NY tracks. Racing again shifts back to Aqu following Saratoga.

    • I like to focus on single tracks or circuits. Along those lines I didn't cash a single Coast to Coast or Cross Country P5.
    • Just like last year my 2nd most profitable wager were Win bets. That is surprising.
    • Despite the overall loss, I'm pretty satisfied with my wagers. I don't recall many big mistakes.
    • I believe it's important to stay focused on value as field sizes shrink.

    Please feel free to ask any questions or add to this conversation.
  • RanchWest
    Tony, if I might ask, what is your most common reason for including specific long shots on your tickets? Form? Pace? Trainer? Pedigree? Works? All button? WAG? Something else?
  • Tony Kofalt

    Hi Ranch, what a good question!! I'd like to say 'all of the above'. lol I'm always looking for an opportunity to include a marginal horse in my wager. I'd say that generally I'm looking to play against bad favorites and identify horses where improvement is expected. Most improvement is anticipated through better pace scenarios.
    Ranch, please feel free to ask any followup questions as I'm not sure I answered your inquiry well. The questions have certainly got my mind grinding!!

  • RanchWest
    Thanks, Tony! I appreciate your response.

    My own thought is the same regarding looking for a better pace scenario and my sniffing out of such situations has improved a lot in recent years.

    I must admit that I am still far below where I want to be in evaluating bad favorites. I have improved in this regard, but I feel I should have this alarm go off in my head more often.
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