Updated June 27, 6:47am Major Updates WE'RE READY.
Today I make the install.
Saturday we ride.
_______________________________ LEVEL 1 BUGS:
Bugs that must be swatted before the software can be released even in a beta version because it impacts/impairs MAJOR FUNCTIONALITY.
_______________________________ LEVEL 2 BUGS:
Bugs that will be an irritation to the user but not impact the ACCURACY of the MAJOR FUNTIONALITY of the program.
Most of these will be cosmetic in nature or part of some small feature that has not even been discussed yet.
_______________________________ LEVEL 2 BUGS:
Bugs that are extremely minor relative to today's current status.
Those bugs could be in a Work-In-Progress that has not yet been widely released but has some minor impact on an existing screen.
_______________________________ CRITICAL DEVELOPMENT (CritDev)
These are COMPONENTS which have been designated as CRITICAL TO RELEASE.
This page will be updated every time the status changes.
If you wish to ask a question about anything related to THE BUG COUNT, please do so in any of the areas where you can start threads.