Reports: The first Column on the left is Pct, and then there's Reynolds 2 (Rey2). I notice that some horses may have a low Pct, but are a Rey2 = 1. Trying to understand the difference.
Hi Jim, so reyonlds 2 means that a horse finished first one time in the object and then 2 in another part of the object even if the horse was 6 in another, etc. for example owhale object: the 5 horse may be ranked 1 in psr and 2 in cpw and the other 4 objects ranked 4th. it takes the best two. 1x2=2 rank in Rey. Hope this helps.
"In my research I came across the work of Osborne Reynolds, a 19th century English physicist and engineer whose area of interest was “turbulence” (fluid mechanics). In 1883 Reynolds, by experimenting with pipes of varying sizes, was able to come up with a number, (now known as the “Reynolds number”) that tells engineers when a fluid system will reach turbulence."
So how does this relate to horse racing? Dave lays it out in detail here: