• Jim Pommier
    If you wager through TwinSpires-- you'll notice that there's no Saratoga this morning. It's similar to the FanDuel/TVG contract negotiations last week. My brother called TS and they hope to have a new contract in place very shortly-- maybe as soon as tomorrow.
  • Dave Schwartz
    That’s a shame.
  • William Zayonce
    @Dave Schwartz.
    I must acknowledge that I'm quietly pleased to see you adopting a "pattern finding" strategy into your methodology. Although I don't accept the fundamental premise on which your strategy is built,
    I can see that it contains much useful information.My list of questions is growing. Shall I pose them individually or as a group?
  • Dave Schwartz
    First a question for you.

    Are you seriously considering a purchase or just curious?
  • William Zayonce
    For now, I'm just curious.
  • Dave Schwartz
    Thank you for your honesty.

    Understand that my highest priority is, and will continue to be for quite a while, to serve the current clients’ needs through continued development.

    Secondary to that would be people who are seriously considering the software.

    Perhaps a phone call would best serve your questions and still allow me to serve my priorities.
  • William Zayonce
    Very good. Thanks for the confirmation.
  • Dave Schwartz

    Sorry if you did not appreciate my answer.
  • Jim Pommier
    Rumor is that NYRA/TS worked things out today. Guess we'll see tomorrow.
  • William Zayonce
    @Dave Schwartz
    Quite the contrary ,Dave. Its not the answer that I hoped for but it is the one that I expected. After all, questions pertinent to your product can only help to serve your customers. Right?
  • Dave Schwartz
    Quite the contrary ,Dave. Its not the answer that I hoped for but it is the one that I expected. After all, questions pertinent to your product can only help to serve your customers. Right?William Zayonce

    You may choose to see it that way but, no, that's not right.

    I've never been stingy with sharing ideas - even truly original stuff. I even share the research behind it.

    This is about resources.
    Recall that I offered you one-on-one time to address your questions.

    I'm in serious development mode. Between now and Christmas, I probably have another 800+ hours I need to put in to get the program to where it should be.

    If I spend that time answering your many questions, I am choosing your questions over my clients' needs. That would be the wrong priority.
    Not too long ago, I had someone purchase Percentages & Probabilities, 2012. He emailed me and said that he had a few questions and that we could "probably wrap them up in about an hour."

    He went on to say that he thought if we could make a standing appointment every other week he was sure I'd be able to answer all of his questions in just a FEW WEEKS.

    I pointed out to him that when you purchase a book, you do not get lifetime access to the author.

    It is a simple fact that I could not afford to have him as a customer.
    Anyone who cannot see the folly in this man's thinking, has to be amazingly obtuse.

    Respectfully, the real question is, "Can you see the similarity between your thinking and his?"
  • William Zayonce
    @Dave Schwartz
    Of course! 20 minutes of your time is worth far too much to spend on questions.
  • William Zayonce
    That might be of interest to your customers.
  • Dave Schwartz
    Of course! 20 minutes of your time is worth far too much to spend on questions.William Zayonce

    That might be of interest to your customers.William Zayonce

    But, alas, you're not a customer, are you?
    Nor are you seriously interested in becoming a customer.

    Yet, I should put your needs in front of the actual customers?
    I don't think so.

    My list of questions is growing. Shall I pose them individually or as a group?William Zayonce

    The above certainly didn't sound like a 20-minute phone call would do it.
    I've been in business a long time.
    Long enough to recognize when there is someone who cannot be satisficed with REASONABLE effort.

    It would appear that we've reached a place of diminishing returns.
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