• Chuck
    Was playing a tournament on Sat. Just a cheap $1 for fun which was a 12 race selection between Tampa Bay, Santa Anita and Gulfstream. 2nd race of the tournament and of course if you are familiar with tournament play, some I believe just look at Morning Line and then base their picks on anything over 8-1. So I handicap it because that is what I love to do, however, lately I am having a really difficult time making up my mind or the preverbial "Change my mind or Can't make up my mind" And Race # 1 SA Sat. was almost my final straw in either ignorance or stupidity. Long Story, could not make up my mind between #4 and the # 1. Dumb Chuck eeeeee and awwwwwwweed. and had put the 4 down but I went back and changed my mind......... well the 1 died in the stretch and the 4 went wire to wire at 25-1 and at the end of the tournament after other picks cost me a money positon. Help..........
  • Dave Salvini
    In situations such as this I almost always will go with the higher odds horse, even though that would tend to fly in the face of general win probability. You need to separate yourself from the crowd in contests and that almost always means going for longer prices.
  • Mark
    A simple $2 win bet on that horse would have paid more than winning the 12 race contest!
  • Chuck
    Trust me, I already knew that. I use tournaments or the cheap one as just a way to stay focused on picking winners. What has become quite interesting particularly with Horsetourneys and the general state of everything in price going up, especially for those who say.. are broke or who can not afford the rise in the cost of feeders etc. It seems to me that when you look at the amount of entries and the fact that you can buy up to three entries which to me, I have done 2 but to me at times. I really do not like the more than one entry rule period but I am a purist. I think this tourney garners the most interest in the last year or so since all the prices that the tournaments cost to play on the site. I really use to enjoy the 18 or 20 dollar early quick feeders into a nice priced tournament in the afternoon, depending on entries and the cut off. But the feeders have become difficult and the the whole idea of 350 usd to be part of the "The Group" but I understand the site has cost but it is too bad, tourneys like World Series has died, my home the track has changed the whole concept of getting together in one room except for the NHC has died. P.S. love to hear opinions.
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