• Dave Schwartz
    Guys, I just want to thank you all for participating in the soft launch of the forum.

    We're convinced that the forum is solid save for one small feature that we won't need for several months.

    So, the plan is to OFFICIALLY GO LIVE ON FRIDAY, DEC. 3RD.

    I want to announce the following special program:
    Founding Members will receive some lifetime benefits. These benefits are still to be determined, but I promise you'll be a happier handicapper as a result.

    Founding Membership will be awarded to the first 100 members who reach 100 posts + replies.

    When you hit your 100th post, just send @vaKelsey a message and she'll get you officially recognized.

    Looking for Founding Member Benefit ideas, so please add your thoughts below.
  • Tony Kofalt

    Exciting news Dave. Really appreciate the opportunity to participate!!
  • Steven
    Benefit idea for founding members - 25% off any Dave Schwartz product otherwise than HSH.
  • Dave Schwartz
    Benefit idea for founding members - 25% off any Dave Schwartz product otherwise than HSH.Steven

    Might be a little steep, but I like the concept.
    Perhaps a lifetime coupon for such a discount.

    Products with recurring revenue (such as HSH) have more room for discounts.

    What do you think about a monthly Founding Members Coaching Meeting?
  • Conley
    I’m going to hit my 95th post with this post! Only 5 more before I become a Founding Member!
  • Conley

    Few ideas:
    1) Store discounts (between 15-25% depending on product and/or price)

    2) Special Day Handicapping with Dave+betting etc

    3) I was going to also say something like “Founding Member” title under your name so people know lol

    4) Coaching 1-1 with Dave with learning new ideas such as “How to Use Pars for Handicapping” “Figuring What Wins at YOUR track” or basically having a seminar of different topics
  • Dave Schwartz
    Few ideas:
    1) Store discounts (between 15-25% depending on product and/or price)

    2) Special Day Handicapping with Dave+betting etc

    3) I was going to also say something like “Founding Member” title under your name so people know lol

    4) Coaching 1-1 with Dave with learning new ideas such as “How to Use Pars for Handicapping” “Figuring What Wins at YOUR track” or basically having a seminar of different topics

    I love all of these.
    One-on-one is a little top heavy to support 100 guys, but the idea of a coaching group is awesome.

    One issue I have with your suggestions is that this site will fail if everything is about me.
    This site has to find its own way; make its own leaders & heroes. Sure, I'll be there and readily accept the mantle of responsibility for things, but the goal is to allow people to REACH THEIR OWN SUPER STAR STATUS.

    Thank you for the GREAT IDEAS!
    Keep 'em coming.
  • Steven

    I like the coaching group idea‼️
  • RanchWest
    I'd like to see some contests for typical racing. I remember the old Aqueduct Inner Dirt P4 contests. That was a lot of fun, though a bit long, the entire season. Maybe a one-day contest followed by discussion.
  • Dave Schwartz
    I'd like to see some contests for typical racing. I remember the old Aqueduct Inner Dirt P4 contests. That was a lot of fun, though a bit long, the entire season. Maybe a one-day contest followed by discussion.RanchWest

    This would be for everyone, right?
    i.e. not just as a Founding Members perk, right?

    I know it seems like "What's the big deal?" BUT...
    ...the problem with contests is that someone has to devote an entire day to that endeavor just to keep score, moderate closing races, etc. Thus, the cost is measured in thousands of dollars for a weekend contest.
  • RanchWest
    I see. I get what you're saying. Maybe just a seminar with live races and people could toss up picks if they want.
  • Dustin Korth
    My opinion is you reach this status with 100 likes rather than posts+replies.

    This promotes productive threads rather than just a race to post whatever 100 times.
  • Dave Schwartz

    Great idea!

    And, boy, do I agree.
    At the very least it should be part of the equation.

    Unfortunately, we don't have a system that allows "Likes."
    It only supports "Loves," and no other choices.
    Worse, the mechanism is not programmable.

    But there are also other issues with that approach:
    1. Many board members do not use that system.
    2. It causes the reward system to be dependent upon the actions of others instead of the posters.

    I have some other ideas for gamification, but it is not for the start up phase.
  • Tony Kofalt
    Wow some interesting ideas here!!! I believe that more posts can only lead to a better forum. Ranch and Dustin you guys are great
  • Dave Schwartz
    I've decided to change the FOUNDING MEMBERS to be only 10!

    Keep your ideas coming.
  • Conley
    I've decided to change the FOUNDING MEMBERS to be only 10!Dave Schwartz

    Dave do I become one of those Founding Members yet? Or what do I have to do to be on the list?
  • Dave Schwartz
    Dave do I become one of those Founding Members yet? Or what do I have to do to be on the list?Conley

    Of course.
  • Dave Schwartz
    Guys, I am so under the weather that I seriously doubt I will have the forum's Grand Opening before Christmas.

    This virus-thing is really debilitating.
    (Not Covid - in week 3 now.)

    Amazingly, I've done several hundred slides for the upcoming Percentages & Probabilities 2022 book and webinar. Not sure when I will be able to actually start recording them.

    As for the forum, I've literally made zero progress on what needs to be done. Sure hope I can put this behind me by next week.
  • Conley
    Guys, I am so under the weather that I seriously doubt I will have the forum's Grand Opening before Christmas.

    This virus-thing is really debilitating.
    (Not Covid - in week 3 now.)

    Amazingly, I've done several hundred slides for the upcoming Percentages & Probabilities 2022 book and webinar. Not sure when I will be able to actually start recording them.

    As for the forum, I've literally made zero progress on what needs to be done. Sure hope I can put this behind me by next week.
    Dave Schwartz

    Sorry to hear you are not feeling well Dave

    Keep your head high and your spirits strong and you will be back (hopefully) in no time!

    No rush on the forum just take care of yourself first buddy
  • Steven
    Ditto. Take care of yourself first. Other stuff is secondary.
  • Tony Kofalt
    Hope you feel better Dave
  • RanchWest
    Dave, your greatest asset is your health. Take care of that first and let everything else follow
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