• Tony Kofalt
    The large majority of my wagers are on P4 and P5's. I spent a fair amount of time each day writing out combinations to include in each wager. I use an A, B, C approach.
    Has anyone experimented with a TicketMaker program to possibly ease the effort of writing and entering the wagers manually? I'm aware of two such alternatives on the market, the DRF TicketMaker and the one offered by EquinEdge. Do you have any experience with either of those or are you aware of any similiar products on the market?
    I'd be very interested in your response.
    Thank you
  • RanchWest
    I have one called Exotic Wager Calculator. The executable is named EWC2.EXE. It is free. If you can't find it, I can email it to you. It does up to 20 horses for verticals up to 6 and horizontals up to 8, amounts .05, .10, .20, $1, $2, $3, $5, $10.
  • Dave Schwartz

    I'd love to see what you've done.
  • Jack Price
    1stBET (Xpressbet) has a built in ticket maker (similar to DRF Bets) that lets you submit all your plays at the push of a button.... I attached a "sample" PDF for your review.

    Also, since i don't use DRF, I made my own Excel TicketMaker as per the attachment.... Just enter your "info" in the "grayed out" cells and your good to go.

    Good Luck,
    1stBet_TicketGenerator_A-B-C (139K)
    PickX_TicketMaker_ABC (28K)
  • Jack Price
    Here's a corrected copy of the Excel TicketMaker as there was a small formatting issue....
    PickX_TicketMaker_ABC (28K)
  • RanchWest
    I'd love to see what you've done.Dave Schwartz

    I'll send it to you, but it isn't mine. It was written by Horatio Kemeny. It references Swiftthoroughbreds.com, but I don't think that link is good. The copyright is from 1998-2006.
  • RanchWest
    This site doesn't allow EXE files, so I renamed it to .CHG. Just download and change to .EXE.
    ewc2.chg (78K)
  • Dave Schwartz
    Thank you.
    I actually have this program.
    It works quite well.
  • Tony Kofalt
    Thank you so much guys. I will give these alternatives a good luck later this evening. I appreciate it very much
  • Conley
    I have one called Exotic Wager Calculator. The executable is named EWC2.EXE. It is free. If you can't find it, I can email it to you. It does up to 20 horses for verticals up to 6 and horizontals up to 8, amounts .05, .10, .20, $1, $2, $3, $5, $10.RanchWest

    I thought I had the same exotic calculator but can’t find the file for it darn
  • Dave Schwartz

    Scroll up a couple of posts.

    @RanchWest was kind enough to post it.
  • Conley
    Scroll up a couple of posts.

    @RanchWest was kind enough to post it.
    Dave Schwartz

    Yes I can see that thanks

    I cannot seem to download as a exe (I changed the file to exe) but it says I cannot open due to being a Microsoft file on a Apple
  • Dave Schwartz
    I cannot seem to download as a exe (I changed the file to exe) but it says I cannot open due to being a Microsoft file on a AppleConley

    That's correct.
    It is a Windows app.
  • Tony Kofalt
    After having a chance to look at the alternatives posted I once again want to thank everyone for their input. I bet primarily through NYRA Bets so I'm reluctant to venture into the DRF or 1st Bet options as they are linked to the betting sites. I really liked the home grown program presented by Jack!! I'm going to spend some time to see if fits into my play. I'm very happy with what I see so far. Thank you to Jack and all others!
  • Dave Schwartz

    Please, tell me what can be improved because I want to build a ticket writer into the new software
  • Tony Kofalt

    Dave I get some ideas out tonight> Thank you for your interest
  • RanchWest

    I can't speak for Tony, but as someone who has built ABC tickets, I suspect it would benefit Tony to have multiple calculators.


    That sort of thing.
  • Dave Schwartz
    I can't speak for Tony, but as someone who has built ABC tickets, I suspect it would benefit Tony to have multiple calculators.


    That sort of thing.

    Actually building that in The Studio part today.
  • Tony Kofalt

    Dave, here are some suggestions to 'productize' the TicketMaker spreadsheet graciously shared by Jack Price.
    Add options for vertical wagers such as the Trifecta and Superfecta. I not skilled in writing such tickets and I believe better specs could be obtained from users make these bets.
    Provide an option to select the track, race number and date for each wager.
    Provide a field for user to select the base bet for the series of wager, etc .20,.50, $1.00
    Ability to select the type of wager, P3, P4, P5, P6, Tri or Super.
    The TicketMaker could interface with a product to display each horses name and program number for each leg of the wager.
    Provide a field to mark each entrant as an A, B or C selection. Horses not marked as A, B or C are considered as non-contenders and will not be included in any wager.
    Based on the type of wager, the TicketMaster will display the wager broken into specific segments such as 4A, 3A1B, etc.
    Here are recommended segments for each type of horizontal wager. Individual tickets will be displayed within each segment. The bet size for each individual wager will default as the base bet size but can be modified to a different size.
    P3- 3A, 2A1B, 2A1c, 1A,2B, 1A2C, !A1B1C.
    P4- 4A, 3A1B, 3A1C, 2A2B, 2A2C, 2A1B1C.
    P5- 5A, 4A1B, 4A1C, 3A2B, 3A2C, 3A1B1c, 2A3B, 2A3C, 2A2B1C, 2A1B2C
    P6- 6A, 5A1B, 5A1C, 4A2B, 4A2C, 4A1B1c, 3A3B, 3A3C, 3A2B1C, 3A1B2B
    A switch will be available to turn off any segment so wagers for that segment will not be calculated or included in the price of the overall wager.
    Make the final list of wagers 'printable' for clean entry into the users ADW.
    Develop a hook into some major betting platform (NYBETS, 1stBet, TVG) to automate the placement of the bet.
    Segments for tri's and super's need to be developed.
    Not all of the recommendations need to be developed, such as a hook into individual ADW's, but are worth consideration for future upgrades.
  • Tony Kofalt
    Team please join in with any other suggestions!!
  • Dave Schwartz

    Thank you!
    I just downloaded @Jack Price's work.

    I will take a look.
  • Jack Price
    FYI: If necessary to "unprotect" an individual worksheet, just select the "Review" tab and click on "Unprotect"...a password is not required.
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