Imagine you are using my new software, The Studio.
Now, imagine that there is an option to copy/paste the tote board directly into the program.
Which tote board would you use?
Understand that in order for me to be able to write the code that supports pasting from the tote board you use, I must have access. If it is a wagering site, they will not allow me to open an account from NV (with 2 exceptions Philly Park & AM Wager).
You're right.... it's not for everyone.
However, I should have elaborated.... Gary helped me write VBA code that imported tote odds into my custom happened instantaneously at the push of a couple of buttons: (1) one for the track of choice and (2) one to import into excel spreadsheet…. I have no problem playing multiple tracks at one time (no hassle whatsoever).
I wonder if you could work something out with him?
No response needed…just food for thought.
Since Texas does not allow ADW's, the easiest way for me to follow the action is with Twinspires on my phone while my program is up on my PC. — RanchWest
1. Can you get that same site on your computer?
2. Can you copy/paste the screen?