• RanchWest
    Does anyone know anything about the bases for voiding a claim? I just read in the conditions for Aqueduct race 1... 1.5% Aftercare Assessment Due At Time Of Claim Otherwise Claim Will Be Void. Anyone know under what other circumstances a claim could be declared void?
  • Dave Schwartz

    Good post.
    The fact that you posted it caused me to actually read it this time.
  • RanchWest
    Thanks, Tom.
  • Tony Kofalt
    Good rule that has been in place in many states for several years. In practice, many horsemen have been less than satisfied with the outcomes due to different interpretations by various vets. Specifically, horsemen often struggle with a vets opinion of soreness or lameness. Hell often times vets can't even agree on it.
    Hopefully this rule becomes more acceptable to horsemen as it is good for all involved in the buiness
  • RanchWest
    I can see where this is overall good for horse racing, but the problem for handicappers is that I don't find there to be adequate transparency as to why the void was processed. So, I end up downgrading the chances of any horse I note to have had a voided claim.
  • Tony Kofalt
    Excellent point Ranch! It's not unusual to see voided claim horses come back to win their next start. In the state of PA the use of the voided claim should be used only when a post race exam by a vet deems a horse unsound to the point the horse would be added to the vets list. I am not sure if other states are using the exact same standards. For example I am aware of a time in Arizona when the stewards suspended the use of the voided claim. I'm hopeful that HISA will make this a more consistent process.

    In another 'similar' situation, reason for pre-race scratch needs to be classified more precisely. Typically the reason will be stewards, trainer, vet etc. What does a vet scratch mean? Was the horse unsound during a pre-race exam? Did the trainer tell a vet a horse was coughing or didn't eat up?
  • RanchWest

    Yes, excellent point.

    When I see a horse with a voided claim, it tempts me to pass the race since I have no idea what the real status of that horse is.
  • Tony Kofalt

    Ranch, keep in mind that before from a vets list runs back they are required to go through vet exam to get 'off' the vets list and more likely than not a published workout in front of a vet. Then on the next raceday the horse must pass a standard raceday vet check.
  • RanchWest

    Good points and thank you.

    But I figure that just because the vet thinks the horse should be able to finish the race alive, I still don't know whether the horse is just a victim of paperwork or might be below normal. Or, if paperwork, maybe above normal.
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