• Jim Pommier
    Does the deT AI software continue to learn? I'm guessing that it operates within the context of of the tasks it was programmed to perform. I guess what I'm trying to ask-- are new race results downloaded time to time, and the AI may adjust, and the output for a race 6 months from now may be different than if that same race was run today?
  • Jim Pommier
    Follow up to my above question. I recall you said that the Whales update their systems only once a year-- I think you said sometime during the winter. Is there any future plans for something like that with deT?
  • Dave Schwartz

    Logically, next training would be late March or mid-April 2024, which would be v2 of the training engine.

    LIFETIME TRAINING is included in your purchase.
  • William Zayonce
    What provision has been made to provide ongoing support ( for their monthly fee ) to purchasers in the event that you become unable to do so?
  • William Zayonce
    Lifetime training refers to who's lifetime?
  • Dave Schwartz
    What provision has been made to provide ongoing support ( for their monthly fee ) to purchasers in the event that you become unable to do so?William Zayonce

    Really good question.
    The answer is, "Not currently."
    However, I do recognize the need and we'll move to address it in the next few months.

    BTW, HSH does have what could best be described as "Flip the switch and the copy protection is gone." That will be in place within 60 days for deTERMINATOR.
    In the event of my demise, ongoing support is both harder and easier.

    It's harder in the sense that nobody but me currently understands how everything works/will work. Such people must be BUILT FROM WITHIN, and I am looking for such people now among our users and even candidates.

    It's easier in the sense that such people will just logically rise to the top because they want this to succeed because the are already very encouraged by what they've seen.

    Continuity must be addressed.
    Relating to this is, of course, my own personal health and longevity.

    As one of my doctors recently said, "It's like you've rolled back the clock by about 30 years in the last 20 months."

    This is an accurate statement.
  • Dave Schwartz
    Lifetime training refers to who's lifetime?William Zayonce

    The lifetime of the software and your license - obviously providing we're still in business.

    No tricks or gimmicks. No word traps or obfuscations.
  • William Zayonce
    Congrats on your physical reformation ,Dave!
    Bet it wasn't easy.
  • Dave Schwartz
    Congrats on your physical reformation ,Dave!
    Bet it wasn't easy.
    William Zayonce

    It was actually AMAZINGLY EASY.

    Not trivial, but easy.
    Cannot do it with will power, I will tell you that.

    Tried that for 40+ years.
    Always ended in failure.
    For those who aren't aware, I've started a private group here for people who find themselves in a similar state to mine 22 months ago. Anyone interested should start a discussion with me privately.

    Short version - I lived 42 years of my life as a fat man - XXL all the way.
    5'9" tall, 294 pounds.

    Shockingly, not terrible unhealthy - "just" mild diabetes and a high heart rate. (No heart meds.)

    I'd lost a little weight - almost 20 pounds - and was struggling to keep it off - and not making any headway in the previous 6 months.

    On the morning of February 1st, 2023, I woke up at 4am just sick of it and decided I had to do something but didn't know what that was but decided that day was the day.

    I made a simple plan.
    1. At 6am that very day I would walk to the end of the block and back - about 150 yards.

    That was it.
    That was the entire plan.
    I did it.
    And the next day I went a little farther.
    Whatever I chose to do HAD TO BE EASY.
  • William Zayonce
    Sounds much like my cardio/pulmonary plan started in 2019. I'm up to 5 miles daily,6 days per week except when the weather is inclement.
  • Dave Schwartz
    Sounds much like my cardio/pulmonary plan started in 2019. I'm up to 5 miles daily,6 days per week except when the weather is inclement.William Zayonce

    Bill, that's awesome!

    Yes, a lot like that I would imagine.

    I am sure there are people here who would like to know how you did this, if you'd care to share.
  • William Zayonce
    Like you.it was a conscious decision to treat myself a little better in hopes of feeling stronger and living longer, but it was effortless. Just a few extra steps each day.
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