• Dave Schwartz
    We have lost Ron Tiller.
    He passed of a heart attack on Monday but was only discovered today.

    A fine man who will be missed in the world.
    Not 100% sure but we believe he was 63 or 66.
    Meanwhile, business marches on.
    Jim Cramer is handling things remotely for now and will figure new things out soon.
  • ponyplayer
    As a JCapper user, I had many LONG conversations
    with Ron over the years. He was always so very helpful
    and gave out his expert knowledge about racing freely.

    I will miss him. I considered him a friend.
  • Gillycapper
    Wow I just talked to him not long ago when he got back from Thanksgiving break from Michigan. RIP!
  • gino
    RIP to one of the good ones…
    a lot of the magic of HSH and its descendants is directly related to the diligence and devotion that were the daily bread of HDW, aka Ron Tiller and Jim Cramer et al…the integrity and quality of their data, the attention to detail, the quest for preciseness, 364 days a year, year in, year out, for decades of my life, is unmatched by anything else….the calm and never rattled Ron Tiller, a man with a very unique perspective on life and a singular sense of humor, will be greatly missed,,,my world is greatly diminished by his passing, he was dedicated to smoothing the bumps and filling the potholes in the road we travel, and although life goes on, the numbers will never be as accurate nor as readily available as they have been under his watch…
    Ron knew people as friends, not clients or customers, and i am deeply saddened to have lost an old friend.

  • Red Knave
    This is unbelievably sad news. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. I didn't know him personally but I can see and feel the effect he has had on all of us. He will be sorely missed.
  • Jim Parker
    What a surprise, so sad to hear about Ron as many others have said he will be greatly missed,
    may he Rest in Peace.
  • PickMaster
    I just read on Pace Advantage a post of Ron Tiller’s from 2004 in which he describes Dave as an “artificial intelligence/neural network bon vivant”. Hah! A perfect description 21 years later!

    RIP Ron. Thank you for your humor and your support!!!

    Here’s the thread at PA:

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