
  • 001-Core Programming: Why Bother to Improve Your Coding?
    My point about OOP is that it provides a way of holding values and accessing them without recalculation. Of course, that can be done with static variables inside a function. And there are various ways of pushing, popping or accessing those stored values. The key is to not recalculate every time you need the value and I admit to being bad about doing that. But, I have been good about sharing the code that is the basic framework for many of my calculations.RanchWest

    I'm not sure I understand this, but I think you're saying that you can (effectively) load a value somewhere to recall it without actually storing it in a variable.

    Is it like a location?
  • 001-Core Programming: Why Bother to Improve Your Coding?
    I don't know if you've done any object-oriented programming, but one thing that is nice is being able to store data in an object and access it. Makes it easier to make a calculation one time and be done with it, just access the calculated value.RanchWest

    I checked out of OOP almost 2 decades back. Just didn't like it.
    But admittedly, I use a language whose original form of OOP was a lot like everything being a complicated way to call a function.

    The biggest changes for me have been in my approach to organization.
    First I wrote more functions, then added more routines.
    I created a rule that said all code for anything goes on a single visible page.

    As an example, here's the main page of what is called the My Handicapping section.

    This is the part where your handicapping is stored so that the model and the AI can help you improve things.

    Now, this is the BEFORE picture. No code has been written yet, but the comments (green) make it very clear what I'm about to write.

  • 001-Core Programming: Why Bother to Improve Your Coding?
    You and I are completely on the same page.
    So much of the code I wrote in HSH is truly painful to look at now. LOL

    I, too, wrote assembler. My coding was not only slow but ineffective.

    Funny but the group of programmers I hang with, many I've known for almost 3 decades... well, I used to think I was like a 7.5 on the scale of 1-10. Now, as I see how they've grown - especially horizontally while I remained vertical - I've changed that to a 4.5.
  • 001-Core Programming: Why Bother to Improve Your Coding?

    So glad you popped this to the top.

    How do you handle comments & documentation in your code?
  • Energy distribution, again....
    A big THANK YOU to @RanchWest for your idea about the Median Energy.

    I'm implementing via some reports in the Pace Handicapping module.

    F1% & EP% for races where the horses ran within 1 length of the winner (or won by any margin).
    Same but with Similar Surf & Distance within 1/2 furlong of today.

    In addition, these 2 metrics (F1% & EP%) will show for the race in each pace line.
    (This one takes some doing but will make it relatively easy to test your theories.

    Ranch, I believe that your approach may have tremendous value when combined with the prediction of which call will be the most important in today's race. (Determined by the ES5 approach which considers the number of ES5+ horses and applies the two rules I've mentioned before.
  • Energy distribution, again....

    Here's what I was looking for:
  • Energy distribution, again....
    I don't have a valid physics-based formula to use.

    For example, my energy calculation is similar to energy produced by a wave.

    It is a a physical science formula that is not known (by me).
    Note: I am not smart enough to create my own from scratch, so I look for something in the science world that looks close and try to use it - without modification if possible.
  • Energy distribution, again....
    deceleration is
    ( EP/f3 ) * 100

    I believe EP is f1 + f2.

    TEDC (which I use as VDC) is:
    100 * ( f1 + f2 + f3 ) / deceleration

    I think VDC is:
    100 * ( AP + f3 ) / deceleration

    Ah, this is very helpful.
    So, this is not physics-based but rather a logical relationship between the numbers.

    I generally use some form of a known physical science formula but really struggling with the velocities for fractions that use the Stretch Call (in any way) since it is a distance without a time.

    It's easy when you are using pace numbers because you all the variables are known:
    • Distance
    • Lengths Behind
    • Core Ratings
  • Energy distribution, again....
    He does have New Pace and CSR in RDSS right?Mark

    Yes, he liked what he saw and appropriated it from me.

    I have missed your point, though.
  • Energy distribution, again....
    Yes, Ted & I are always sharing ideas. LOL
  • Energy distribution, again....
    I use Total Energy divided by deceleration.RanchWest

    What are the calculations for those 2 variables?
    • Total Energy
    • Decelaration
  • Energy distribution, again....
    i just remembered. I do use VDC as one of many factors in selecting a pace line, giving limited preference to the line with the best VDC.RanchWest

    How is that calculated?
  • Energy distribution, again....
    BTW, THIS is why I love a forum.

    I asked a simple question but apparently didn't make it quite clear enough. Yet, a wonderful idea comes out of the DISCUSSION that ensued.
  • Energy distribution, again....

    "Median" meaning the single value dead center in the sorted list?

    I actually like the idea - so much so that it will wind up in the Studio.

    Might want a little filtering. (Perhaps tossing wrong surface, way wrong distance.)
  • Energy distribution, again....

    I'm not following your process very well and I'd really like to.

    What I do is use the %Median of all of the lines of a race and build a model range based only on those races.

    So, if there are 10 horses, each with 10 pacelines, you through all 100 into a put and... WHAT?

    Do you average all of those 100 races, ignoring surface & distance? (I'm thinking not.)

    More, please.
  • Happy Birthday William!!
    Happy birthday, William!
  • DAILY STATS: Using HSH's aML Object (Artificial Morning Line
    This is also the answer to the question you posted from @stevekisslinger.
  • Online Tote Boards
    Thank you.
  • Online Tote Boards

    What about question #2 on your computer?
  • Online Tote Boards
    Since Texas does not allow ADW's, the easiest way for me to follow the action is with Twinspires on my phone while my program is up on my PC.RanchWest

    1. Can you get that same site on your computer?
    2. Can you copy/paste the screen?