
  • The "Spot Play" Rabbit Hole
    @Steven & @RanchWest,

    It's all in what one can prove - to one degree or another.

    Spot plays are generally built on a backfit.
    Most guys look at a database and build a set of rules that worked in the past.
    These rules worked because they were contrived based upon history.

    Math Guy says: "That's when the testing needs to begin."
    Handicapper says: "Huh? But I already proved that it works."
    Math Guy says: "No, you proved it WORKED IN THE PAST. Now you must test against a new sample going forward."
    Handicapper says: "But I don't have another sample."
    Math Guy says: "Then you CAN'T PROVE anything."
    Handicapper says: "Oh."

    Handicapper says: "Why didn't it work?"
    I think this is anecdotal but I've always heard that on any given day, 95% of the people at the track loseSteven

    I think that more people have winning days - maybe as high as 15% of REGULAR PLAYERS. It very much depends upon individual strategies.

    But this is all anecdotal. I could be far off on all of it.
    And yes, back to the subject of this thread, they are two different concepts. I think this is anecdotal but I've always heard that on any given day, 95% of the people at the track lose and of that remaining 5%, about 3% (or maybe even 4%) are only winners for that day, the remaining 2% (or 1%) are the only long term winners. So to beat the game, you have to be in the top 1% - 2% of the people there at the track.Steven

    My estimate is 4 out of every thousand.
    I agree Dave, totally different concepts. But I think that whatever concept you choose it has to fit your personality.Tony Kofalt

    That is a huge piece of understanding.

    I know that almost everybody says that they're "All about winning," but when questioned, they usually admit that they'd rather keep using their current approach because it's fun even if it means they lose long term.

    And that is completely fine.
    I know a lot of guys who really enjoy their personal approach to analysis, and the challenge that produces big pleasure on good days.

    I'm just cut from a different cloth. For me, the challenge is winning forever. LOL
  • What Happened in TUP04?

    And it didn’t match the official result?
  • Tom's Ulitmate Odds Line - The Software
    I would contend that that is because there are near 40% winning favorites. The problem is that if you are using a line as a selection, you won't get many longshots.[/b.RanchWest

    Exactly right.

    And that is reality.

    Meaning, the "best horse" in the race SHOULD BE THE FAVORITE most of the time.
  • Tom's Ulitmate Odds Line - The Software
    An odds line is an odds predictor, not a performance forecast.RanchWest

    I would contend that they are directly related.
    Years ago, two of our players - a data geek & a programmer - banded together to form a partnership.

    The concept was that they would build a model entirely based upon HOW THE PUBLIC BETS.

    The idea was that they'd build this model, tweak/skew the hit rates towards the low odds horses (which represents reality) and produce an accurate win probability for each horse.

    At the time I did not see the value in it. (I was wrong.)

    Those two became a PROFESSIONAL PARTNERSHIP, but it turned out to be short-lived as the data geek was a guy with a real gambling problem. The "programmer" mortgaged his house to take a year off to play and never looked back. (As God is my witness, this is a 100% true story.)

    Sadly, the programmer died very young from throat cancer.

    [Special note for very long-time HSH users who might recall the player: His initials were "TD."]
  • What Happened in TUP04?
    @No Moore

    Did you play TUP yesterday?
  • BRIS E1/E2/LP
    However, it's not directly the distance that is the reason for variable length on speed figures, it's the variable velocity caused by the distance.Dustin Korth

    Really an excellent answer. :clap: :clap:

    I avoided wading into this thread because I KNEW someone would say it.
  • Not all favorites are created equal.
    Wow Dave- you achieved a $net of $.89 on these favs. To me that is amazing!! Great jobTony Kofalt

    That changed last year.

    A lot changed in 2021.

    BTW, the changes can be very abrupt.
    They're driven by the fact that the whales retool every year and bring out their new stuff in January.
  • Not all favorites are created equal.
    I would prefer you didn't publish results that cannot be validated (especially for a small sample). Otherwise, it's just like the babble on Fox or the after the fact analysts on CNBC. I won't even mention the other fake news network. Sorry!Biniak

    You can prefer what ever you want, but I doubt you will ever get your preferences fulfilled.

    If all the conversation on a forum is only for VALIDATED RESULTS then the bar is just too high and there will be zero new ideas put forth.

    If I publish anything, it would be based upon SOME STUDY, but it can never be enough to call it rigorous, otherwise, the cost will be so high as to be unaffordable.
  • Not all favorites are created equal.
    You CAN message me, of course.

    But you CAN'T get the answer in return. :grin:
  • Not all favorites are created equal.
    I'd like to get on that list as well.JRand

    Sorry, but no.

    Read this thread and you will understand.
  • Not all favorites are created equal.
    How do you determine if a horse is BET AGAINST?Rich Val

    You're actually here!
    Great to hear from you!

    Folks, this is the guy who taught me the 7 Days in Utopia approach!

    ANSWER: Not quite ready to go public with that, but I will DM you.
  • Not all favorites are created equal.
    Is there anything you can share about your bet/not bet decision process?RanchWest

    Not willing at this time.
    I will likely turn it into a workshop for my HSH guys.

    It's like 90 seconds in HSH and 15 minutes with paper & pencil.
  • What's Your Favorite Dave Schwartz Product?
    Not sure I follow "And it really is a great handicapping approach" unless you mean S.F.T. but I am halfway through "How to Measure Anything" and I am still learning stuff. It's deep thinking?Biniak

    I started to say, "Go buy the product" but then remembered that it isn't available any more.


    The story was that I was struggling to win. I was still winning (as I recall_) but this long-time client and professional player) calls me and says, "I see how hard it is for you and I want to help."

    We did 7 sessions over (I think) 6 weeks or so and it was eye opening.
  • What's Your Favorite Dave Schwartz Product?
    Also, I second Ranch's recommendation on SDiU. The movie will increase your faith! It starts slow but really builds to a fantastic finish.Biniak

    And it really is a great handicapping approach.
    Just sayin'. LOL
  • What's Your Favorite Dave Schwartz Product?
    What movie?RanchWest

    I was waiting for that question. LOL

    I don't recall but it was a golf movie with Robert Duvall.
  • What's Your Favorite Dave Schwartz Product?
    I think maybe my favorite is Renegage Handicapper, just for the way it points to value. Second to that would be Horse Market Investing.Steven

    Those are two of my favorite products as well.

    Another was Change Your Game Forever.
    That product originated from 6 or 7 coaching sessions given TO me by one of our professional players. He outlined it so well that I built it into a product.

    Unfortunately, he left out the part about what the SOURCE for his inspiration came from.

    Turned out it was from a movie!
    And it followed the script way too closely.
    (Caused me to remove it from circulation.)

    BTW, I discovered it while watching the movie with Beth. About 45 minutes into the movie I told her how amazingly similar the storyline was to the coaching I received.