
  • Not all favorites are created equal.
    It's like 90 seconds in HSH and 15 minutes with paper & pencil.Dave Schwartz

    Technology gotta love it, Dave!
  • Kentucky Derby Prep Thread
    Thanks, Conley!RanchWest

    Hope we can get more of those for more preps later on :)
  • Kentucky Derby Prep Thread
    Holy Bull: cold tri with a 6/1 winner
    Withers: 4th selection won, 1st selection was 4th.

    I did these races now just to see how I did

    Holy Bull:
    The top 4 would have been 5-2-8-9
    Results were: 5th 3rd 1st 8th

    The top 4 would have been 11-9-2-5
    Results were: 8th 1st 4th 7th

    Nice sweep in the Holy Bull RanchWest!
  • Longshots?
    Have a longshot system that I wrote down (not sure if this is my own or someone else's) but here it is

    The system is called "Chaos System"
    can play all types of races as long as stats are all there you need
    1) ml favourite 5/2+
    2) 7 or more horses in the race
    3) Contenders are between 6-1 and 10-1
    4) Eliminate if
    trainer ytd is less than 10%
    jockey ytd is less than 8%
    the trainer shows stat with win % of less than 10%
    5) If more than 1 contender final selection is the horse with the best connections and ml odds
    take higher of the trainer or jockey ytd win % and add the horse's ml odds; the highest total is your pick
    NOTE: If part of entry (1 and 1A 2 and 2B etc) it only counts as 1, not 2
  • Handicapping aids
    Already signed up just to see HOW good they really are!
  • Oaklawn Park Handicapping Info 2021-22
    Updated "What's Winning At Oaklawn"
    Includes all Averages along with Track Bias Notes
    Last Date on File: 12/19/2021

    *Please note: I am only including Fast and Good days in my reports so that is why you see "No Data" on some of the days*
  • Oaklawn Park Handicapping Info 2021-22

    You are absolutely correct!

    Each day has favoured speed and it will only progress through the meet (unless a rainy day causes it to stop)
  • Oaklawn Park Handicapping Info 2021-22
    Updated "What's Winning At Oaklawn"
    Includes all Averages along with Track Bias Notes
    Last Date on File: 12/12/2021
    What's Winning At Oaklawn (1) (83K)
  • Oaklawn Park Handicapping Info 2021-22

    Yes please I think others will love it thanks!

    And I think if you can show for this meet would be best
  • Oaklawn Park Handicapping Info 2021-22
    Conley, thank you for your fine work!! Clearly looks like you want to focus on horses on or near the lead (unless I'm misreading something). To me a real bias is underway.
    Also something that may provide more power is to consider using ranks for some of the factors. For example is a 113.2 BPP the highest ranked BPP in the first race? I believe a rank would provide a clearer picture for EP and LP factors as well.
    Thanks again
    Tony Kofalt

    Thanks for your kind words, Tony!

    I was thinking that when I started this project but I have found out that sometimes a horse might not have the data available for him/her and could cause some craziness when trying to find that horse for a specific rank

    The way I have done is the averages on what you should be looking for in a horses data like "Look for horses who have a Last race speed figure of 63.85 or higher" "Look for horses who score a Brisnet PP rating of 121.2 or higher"

    I really am a noob when it comes to stuff like this but I hope you and others can take this info and win with it!
  • Oaklawn Park Handicapping Info 2021-22
    Updated "What's Winning At Oaklawn"
    Last Date on File: 12/10/2021
  • Oaklawn Park Handicapping Info 2021-22
    Ok everyone I have just finished the Pars for Day #1 at Oaklawn and is attached

    1 question: Am I doing this right or do I need to fix something in order to make them "better"
  • Oaklawn Park Handicapping Info 2021-22
    And there is another part in your Par Times book where it shows an example like this

    Par 1:11:50
    Race 1:11:20
    Difference fast by 0:30
    multiply by 5 (lengths per second) fast by 1:50
    add 100 to get +100:00
    speed rating of race 101:50
    subtract horse's lengths behind to get -3:00
    speed rating of horse 98:50

    When it says to multiply by 5 (lengths per second) how do I figure that out? Is it always x5 or where do I get this multiply by number?

    I am really dumbfounded when it comes to things like this so if someone knows the answer (Dave or someone else if able) that would give me a much better understanding on how to compute times on my own
  • Oaklawn Park Handicapping Info 2021-22
    The PDF is a welcome addition! Thanks Conley. Will look forward to see how things average out over the course of the meet. ( I've only played Oaklawn twice before)William Zayonce

    No problem William!

    I am trying to also get some Par Times up for Oaklawn too just 1 quick question for Dave if he can see this:

    Say Oaklawn's par time for 6 Furlongs Claiming $10k for Filly/mare statebreds is 1:10 flat and your adjustments (example, not the REAL #ers) are 3.5 for f/m and 0.5 for statebreds

    Do I add the adjustments to the Par Time or the Actual Time I am computing to get a figure for?
    And is it better to use class specific times or the $10k times?

    Just wanting to know these before I start computing the figures

    Stay tuned folks
  • HorseStreet Forum Going Live
    Guys, I am so under the weather that I seriously doubt I will have the forum's Grand Opening before Christmas.

    This virus-thing is really debilitating.
    (Not Covid - in week 3 now.)

    Amazingly, I've done several hundred slides for the upcoming Percentages & Probabilities 2022 book and webinar. Not sure when I will be able to actually start recording them.

    As for the forum, I've literally made zero progress on what needs to be done. Sure hope I can put this behind me by next week.
    Dave Schwartz

    Sorry to hear you are not feeling well Dave

    Keep your head high and your spirits strong and you will be back (hopefully) in no time!

    No rush on the forum just take care of yourself first buddy
  • Your methodology?
    I don't believe I've ever been at the site.Tony Kofalt

    Pace And Cap is home to the Sartin methodology and the RDSS software but in 2019 I was honored to be one of the founding persons to create the "Sports Forum" alongside Bill V (who has passed away) and Ted Craven

    I currently run the NFL Contest where each week each player picks 1 team ATS (Against The Spread) and we play until the Super Bowl with the winner receiving a cash prize!

    I hope one day more and more people can join the other side too there is just a lot of controversy about there being a Sports Forum in the first place
  • HorseStreet Forum Going Live
    I've decided to change the FOUNDING MEMBERS to be only 10!Dave Schwartz

    Dave do I become one of those Founding Members yet? Or what do I have to do to be on the list?
  • Your methodology?
    I started out buying literally every single system/method that I can lay my hands on and after I spent around $300-$500 total for all the systems I have (which a lot of them are nowhere to be found or still kept the "decent ones") I decided to create my own handicapping system just 1-2 years ago and to this day that is all I use

    I use the DRF Classic/Formulator pp's along with a Bic Round Stic pen and calculator (Canon)

    Usually takes me 1-130 minutes to handicap a racing card but I love every moment of it win or lose!
  • Is the CUTAWAY a good idea?
    It’s like in harness racing when there is a “passing lane” where at the top of the stretch the pylons shift over to the left so there is space on the rail for other horses to “pass” each other.
    Happy Thanksgiving Dave!

    Quick question about your Par Times:
    Did you say that when I purchase the 2021 Electronic/Hard Copy Par Times this year I will get the 2022 Pars for free? And did you say on or before December 15th?