Tom's Ulitmate Odds Line - The Software I need to check a few things with the coding. 1). If the Score falls in between two Odds, which Odds are you defaulting to? For example, Scores 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28 etc. For example, if the Score is 16, is the Odds 6-1 or 7-1? Score 28, 3-1 or 7-2? Seems in Tom's examples he went both ways. I would recommend the lower, 16 = 6-1, and 28 = 7-2.
2). How are you Scoring multiple ties? For example, 102, 87, 81, 81, 81. [10 - 6 - ? - ? - ?]. For example, 20, 19, 16, 16, 15. [10 - 6 - ? - ? - ?]. Thanks, Jim.