Positioning vs Beaten Lengths Interesting subject. I read Giles book Extreme Pace Handicapping which talks about the Pace Picture and the Cast of Characters-- E, E/P, P, P/C and C. Picturing how the race will unfold based on the number of E's, E/P's, etc. in the race (and their Speed Points).
Personally I found it difficult to pick contenders. For example, races with no E and four E/P 6 and 5's. Who's going to get the lead? Also, I believe you need to consider Post Position (early speed outside of early speed) and any rail bias. Some races are very obvious and you feel like genius when you're right. But, there's so many different scenarios, I had a difficult time with it. Also, I believe that there is a lot of work involved in this handicapping process-- evaluating fractional times and when multiple horses share a running style, compare their performances against similar race conditions. Much to do.