
  • How to "Handicap Like Ken"
    Parx 8: bet 4,1. Done for day
  • How to "Handicap Like Ken"
    Lot of seconditis so far Parx 6 3,7
  • How to "Handicap Like Ken"
    Sar 5- going 1,8
  • How to "Handicap Like Ken"
    WU Race 2 1 only paid 6.90 I bet the 1,9 60/40 so 60% on the 1
    Sar 4 -2 Scratches impacted contenders New 2,4,6,8-2 a toss pick 4,8
    Sar 5- lot of scratches make the 2 FORMIDABLE but it's an F-so playing 3,8,1 depending on odds
  • How to "Handicap Like Ken"
    Hi all, been away from racing for a bit, so I thought my stretch my legs today with a few races.I play 2 horses a race. These selections are pre-scratches and so subject to change,Since the rules are stated above it will be easy for anyone to see what will change.
    WO Race2:Contenders 5,1,9,2- toss the 5 (BALO & F) leaving 1,9,2 wait on odds for final picks
    SAR Race4: Contenders 2,1,8,7 lose the 2 (BALO,F) leaving 8,7,1 wait on odds for final picks
    SAR 5: Is a chaos 5 but using my method only get 2 horses as contenders- so pass
    Parx 6: Contenders 1,3,5,7 toss the 5 (BALO) 1,3,7 wait on odds for final picks
    Parx 8: Contenders 4,7,6,1 toss the 7 (BALO<F) 6,4,1 wait on odds for final picks
    Mth 7: Contenders 7,8,2,3,6 toss the 7,8 (BALO,F) 2,3,6 wait on odds for final picks
    MTH 8: Contenders 5,8,4,2 toss the 8 (BALO) 5,4,2 wait on odds for final picks
    SAR 9: Contenders 6,7,13,5 toss the 6 (BALO) 7,13,5 wait on odds for final picks
    WO 9: Contenders 3,9,7,8 toss the 3 (BALO,F) 9,7,8 wait on odds for final picks

    There are more races but this gives me a 9 race card. Allowing me to make my own DD,PK3's and Pick 4"s. Caveat I have been away for a bit of time-so PLEASE do your own thing. Good Luck all
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    Too many FTS for me to play those races. Have a great day all.
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    Dave R today is 7/10/24 and there are two Parx races I am looking at, Parx 5 and Parx 7. I will try to post contenders after the scratches. Please note these are Chaos 5 and can be handicapped by the AI.
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    Hi Dave R. Unlike Dave I don't handicap all tracks so maybe I don't come across any of the races that you see that AI doesn't handicap. I play the Chaos 5 that do get handicapped by the AI. Today at Parx there were 2 races. Parx race 2- using the outlined method I was on the 3,6. 3 won and paid 17.00. Parx 5 and the BALO won, and I lost. If you are looking for many races to play, then this isn't for you. I prefer fewer races but those I play I hope to have an advantage and the odds in my favor. I have tried to give examples-actually I gave races I played. If you opened them, you would find that they are Chaos 5 and most definitely are handicapped.
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    Today's Races 7/8/24. I don't normally play Del and I will NOT be betting it, but Parx had only 2 races that I am interested in.
    Parx Race 1
    Del Race 2
    Del Race 4
    Del Race 6
    Del Race 7
    Del Race 8
    Parx Race 9

    Will post Contenders and bets after scratches. Once again all bets aren't finalized until I see the odds. Anything below 3/1 will be either a pass race or choosing a different contender. If there is an odds on horse that is not a BALO I will usually just pass.
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    Race Report
    Session Race Bet Return Rebate Refunds Won Today
    ***** 7/07/24*****
    1 WO 02 20 77.35 57.35 57+
    2 LRL05 57+
    3 LRL07 20 37+
    4 WO 05 20 48.95 28.95 66+
    5 ELP07 20 67.12 47.12 113+
    6 AQU08 20 93+
    7 ELP09 20 73+
    8 WO 09 20 53+

    Not the best of days but still a positive outcome.
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    Hi Jim, I work so I'm forced to do some the night before. As far as I can see though every race I posted is still a Chaos 5. If you want to wait until after the scratches are posted seems like a reasonable approach. The races I have posted pretty much all stayed Chaos 5, so I'm happy to stay with what I have.
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    One other point. I do not handicap all the races before scratches. I did this because I wanted to share something that could be followed along with but not have to worry about posting and handicapping. Whenever you are handicapping it should be your only focus. Not getting a drink or making lunch or chatting about a vacation. The process I laid out above can be done in under 3 minutes (even if you aren't comfortable in the program yet). Then the odds board and your AI BH are where you need to put your attention. The higher the odds the less concern you need to have about odds change. When they are 3 or 4 to1 need to make up your mind as late as possible if you want to bet or switch a horse out. Everyone is different so take whatever you want out of this discussion
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    My pleasure John, I hope you can find something useful in it.
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    Watch for scratches- they are going to change some of the picks. Go through the steps and you should wind up on the same horses as I do. Remember Toss that BALO!
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    Everything takes effort. Took growth of a mindset. First an acceptance that losing happens more often than winning. So needed to eliminate the focus on winning and move to a focus on MAKING money. They are not the same. If most people lose money doing it, does it make sense doing what they are doing? Answer is no. So I needed to develop a method that puts me on live horses with inflated odds. It isn't a set it and forget it thing. As I pointed out, I didn't play the Laurel 2nd because at below 3-1 I was setting myself up to be a loser even if I won the race.

    Not sure if this is what you were looking for Dave
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    Jim, I'm not looking to have a lot of low priced winners. I didn't bet the Laurel 5th because my top choice went below 3 to 1 and the 10 horse wasn't being bet. Although it will show as a loss on my report so I can track my picks. So my thought process is a Chaos race implies just that. People will be confused when looking at the entries in the race. Giving me richer odds then in a No Chaos or Chaos 1. Where everyone and his brother are seeing the same horses as I am. Can't give you any statistics, just feel my data is good and most don't have it so I want the best prices I can Get. Hope this helps
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    Will post results after the day but Wo Race 2 the 6 won at 11.90 with the 2 second giving a $99 dollar exacta if you play them. Again you might want to look into Dave's Sessions play which I am a big proponent of and use whenever I wager
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    Either. aML will usually give you the 4 lowest odds horses. The IRA will usually give you similar horses with one or two higher odds horses. The object is to be on a strong horse and maybe a less strong horse but with a strong Trainer. Trainers usually have a reason for putting a horse in a race, If he is a top trainer he didn't get that way losing races. So maybe he knows something about his horse we don't see or maybe the horse shouldn't be there, It does hit often enough at a price to be part of my thinking. Again this is a simple process not the yellow brick road so make it your own. Do what works for you :grin: I find when I then go to collective speed and collective power I am able to separate the wheat from the chaff.
  • Pay it forward
    Thanks, John, for the link. Was super easy bringing that over from HSH. Jim I didn't know I was going back and forth between programs. John just saved me time, which at my age I most definitely treasure:grin:
    On that IRA, I like it better than the Dynamic one that was built.
  • Pay it forward
    Jim I will tell you but you can't let any else know :rofl: This was the fixed one before the iterations that followed. I would love for Ira to jump in as this was all him and better to have the Master answering questions
    38 rTrnRtg 100%
    152 rcJky 62%
    1620 rtTrk 38%
    153 rcTrnr 24%
    1610 rjSurf 15%

    Impact power 2.39

    If I knew how to do a screen shot I would post it. The only thing I seen was something that put my computer with a link.