• I think I broke it...
    Went back to original install - 1.0000 and extracted.
    Ran update 1.0006.

    I can tell you this:
    You HAVE blown up everything as v1.0000 will prevent you from EVER upgrading again.

    There are things under the hood that have now been destroyed and cannot be recovered without a complete deletion and starting at 1.0002.

    An upgrade to 1.0006 cannot fix this.
  • I think I broke it...
    HQx file not writing again.ponyplayer

    I do not know what that means.
  • Error getting Data from HDW and HQ not opening
    I'm still having trouble with the HQ opening It worked this morning but doesn't work now I know you told me that the ini file doesn't help Can't understand why this is happeningIra Yorn

    Neither can I.
    Write to me privately and I'll attempt to find some time.
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    DO you have v. 1.0005?
  • Error getting Data from HDW and HQ not opening
    Took about 6 minutes.
    My kind of fix.
  • Error getting Data from HDW and HQ not opening
    That's the way we set it up.
    I'll have to meet with you later today.
    Send me a private message with your availability
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    ↪Dave Schwartz Dave how do I get rep handicapping? Mine is blank when I hit REPjohn g

    Click what's highlighted below.
    (Know that I am working on bugs connected to reports right now.)

  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9

    Sent you a meeting link for right now.
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    I will write to you privately to set something up.
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    I went thru and downloaded/imported. My PRX09 looks different than yours. Still have the blanks.Jim Pommier

    What about the other step?
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    Currently only admins and teachers can load graphics.

    This action was necessary because I had a couple of users who would upload gigantic pdfs - which had I allowed it to continue would have raised our monthly cost to $500 per month by the end of the year.

    (We currently have no teachers but will soon.)
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    One more thing it could be, @Red Knave.

    Are you sure you don't have your ranks & mags set to something like 3 & 2, and that's why they are showing blanks?
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    For HSH users... Remember that DET works a different than HSH in the sense that>>>

    In HSH
    ... when you imported races and results it left the newest day OPEN.
    DET does not do that.

    From my earlier post...

    Consider that 3rd step.
    Imagine you have DET open or, have closed it and then reopened.

    It is NOT using the newly imported data!
    You are still seeing the data from when you were using it last!

    This has a lot of potential for a mistake.

    Now, imagine that you understand this and decide you must reopen the day.
    Go go to FILE> Open Day, and open the day again.
    But first... it prompts you to save the day.
    If you say YES, you just saved the OLD DATA over the top of the NEWEST!

    IOW, you wiped out the importing of the PPs and the charts!
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    First, here's PRX09 from yesterday.
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    Just got a similar question from one of the guys who is doing really well with DET, so I am going to assume, I've not explained it very well.

    DATA FLOW (simple version)
    1. Using HSDL...
    download today's races and yesterday's charts.
    2. Using HSD...
    A. Import yesterday's & today's races
    B. Import yesterday's charts.
    C. Post yesterday's Key Data.
    3. In DET...
    If you currently have YESTERDAY OPEN...

    If you are missing any of those steps, it will not be right.
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    No, this was yesterday-- PRX races R6 and R9. RKnave is showing Odds where I was not. I don't recall a manual scratch, but I'm not 100%. So if I did a manual scratch, that could be what's causing those horses to be blank.Jim Pommier

    My guess:
    1. You didn't import yesterday's results.
    Correct process is to re-import PPs, then results, the post key data.
    2. Reopen the day in DET.
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    This is today?
    Did you apply early scratches?
    Before opening the race?
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    Look at a FTS-friendly report.
    See if it has values.

    If it does, it is a foreign horse, marked with "f" instead of "F"
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    Or did you apply manual scratches?

    If so, that is a known bug which is fixed in 1.0004 and should be released this morning.

    (That’s why I said to apply early scratches before opening any race until I get this bug fixed.)
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    Did you apply early scratches and forgot to close the race and reopen?