• Working Groups to learn deTerminator
    I've got an idea!

    Let's do a quick meeting TONIGHT at 7pm pacific time!
    (It will not be recorded.)

    Topic: Moving to the Winners' Circle
    Time: Jun 27, 2024 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 845 7279 0083
    Passcode: 660196
  • Working Groups to learn deTerminator
    And I REALLY hate losing!!.ponyplayer

    My kind of guy.
  • Working Groups to learn deTerminator
    Wednesday evening is a good option for me. If not, Monday or Thursday. I don't have a preference on what the number limit should be for beta release...deferring to Dave on that.Atakante

    I think I'll leave you guys alone to organize a bit.

    My opinion would be that you match up by approaches, goals, strategies.

    For example, a tourney player sees the world different than a 2-horses per race win bettor.

    But the conversation that @ponyplayer started was a great idea.
    (Thanks, Brian.)
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    If you have not received an invoice you probably have changed your email address and did not notify us.
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    Yes, the system is working!]
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    ALL billing invoices have been sent.

    If you didn't get one, please
    1. Check your SPAM folder.
    2. Write privately and let me know.
  • We're working on the invoices...
    It was sent to you this morning around 11am pacific time.
  • We're working on the invoices...
    Shocking how difficult this is.

    @Sherri says you should all have invoices before noon, pacific.
    Will advise when they've been sent.

    (She's been battling this all the way.)
  • E EP P S
    Same way.
    He moved for the first time in the final furlong.
  • No Database and HDW
    Hello Dave
    1. Does a program like this help a tournament player?
    2. I saw a recent video about reports and it reminded me of hsh program. I didn’t fair well with hsh due to its complexity (basic computer experience here) is the determinator more straightforward or does the user need to generate their own factors and weights, etc. ? Is it out of the box ready? Thxs!

    Yes, in fact that is covered a bit in a couple of the videos.
    Three things of special interest
    1. CHAOS RACE LEVEL (0-5)
    2. BALOs (Bet Against Low-Odds horses)
    1. CHAOS RACE LEVEL 4s & 5s indicate that one should look for big payoffs.
    2. BALOs indicate that there is a strong favorite who should under-perform.
    3. AI Best Horse (Odds Ranges)
    This tells which horses fit the race by odds ranges.
    The most powerful race for *tournament longshots would be a CHAOS RACE with a BALO.
    What's a tournament Longshot? It's a longshot that you can actually handicap to the top.

    In the graphic below, I've taken the projected longshots in the race and indicated how they rank in their appropriate odds categories. Typically you are looking for horses with 1s and 2s.


    What the AI trained on could best be described as:
    "If a horse in the 17/1 up category won the race, what factors would likely point to the winner?"

    Obviously, we are not getting factors like "best speed rating ever" because such horses don't typically pay $36 and up.

    Instead, it uses some pretty esoteric stuff. Things like:
    • Time-Decayed Stretch Gain.
    • Average Positions Gained from 2nd call to the wire.
    • Regression Speed Ratings - Low (The worst speed rating the horse could be expected to run.

    Also interesting to note that those 1s on the screen indicated that they were ranked #1 or #2 in the field, not just among the longshots. IOW, they were better than the favorites.
  • E EP P S
    I guess I answered a question that wasn't asked.
  • E EP P S
    I really like Jim Cramer's work on this stuff.
    Found it quite revolutionary.

    My adaptation of it is to ask a question:
    "When did the horse first challenge for the lead?"
    "Challenge" is defined as being within one length.

    What we call these really doesn't matter.

    Hope this helps.
  • Angles
    Check out the video list for the Zoom Link
  • Angles
    I'll give everyone at least an hour warning.
    Thinking like 2:30 or so.
  • Angles
    Of course!
    I’ll post it on DET videos
  • Angles
    Not so fast...
    Had a thought.
    I'm actually working on making new reports TODAY.
    How about I go LIVE later today and record impromptu while I create?

    I'll post the time ASAP.
  • Angles
    Thank you. In the other thread, Jim Parker talked about HSH Objects (now will be Reports). Could you also please provide a sample HSH Object with say 1, 2, 3 factors. Nothing fancy. This will help me visualize what those are all about as well.Jim Pommier

    If I work on this now instead of during the onboarding, I wind up doing it twice.

    Seems like a better use of resources if I stay the development course.
  • Angles
    I'm trying to put something together around the "What you need is:". You said you came up with about 40 Handicapping Flips. It's sounds like we can then pick two that we like that will fit with our core method of handicapping without any overlap? Can you please provide an example of 1 or 2 Handicapping Flips so I'm on the right track (visualize).Jim Pommier

    Jim, this is a wonderful question.
    So excellent that it demands a quick video.
    Let me see if I can't record one tomorrow.