↪Dave Schwartz Will that be for everyone to see like these videos are?Mark

    It will all be public.
    These videos are awesome! Dave you are doing a great job, and I can't wait to watch more.Dave

    Thank you.

    I'm part way through the next one and will finish in the morning.
    I would like to see a video of the software in full screen mode going through all buttons and what they do.Mark

    That will come when we get to training - during the first wave of onboarding.

    First, excellent post and your thought process is a great start.

    I will assume that you'd like comments.
    ABOUT BALOs...

    BALOs, are literally BET AGAINST horses.

    That means EVERY TIME you bet one you just took a SIGNIFICANT LOSS on every WIN spot ticket connected to them.

    What we all need is to have a special bone installed into our heads that makes a horse player say, "I don't make bad bets."

    The exception is to make a HEDGE BET that contains the losing proposition.
    This demands that you bet significantly less on the BALOs.

    If one is wagering a flat amount on every combination, it's not typically possible.


    They come with a built in drawback.
    In horizontal wagers there is no way to BENEFIT by LEVERAGING a BALO!

    In single-race bets you can actually take advantage of what you know that others don't!

    In exactas, trifectas, and supers, you can KEY that BALO underneath.
  • Ques003 UNDERSTAND BALOs - Bet Against Low Odds Horses

    I'm trying to turn over a new leaf.
  • 2024 HorseStreet Pars: Some Errors Now Fixed
    Found one more error: AQU 1 1/8 was missing.

    Adding it enabled me to improve all the route pars.

    All files have been updated.
    Just open your order and click the link.

    If anyone has lost their order link, just email and she'll take care of sending you your order link.
  • 2024 HorseStreet Par Times are Available Now!
    All printed par orders were shipped last night.
  • 2024 HorseStreet Par Times are Available Now!
    If you ordered the 2024 Pars, the Electronic version has been emailed to you.

    Most came from Kelsey, my Customer Service VA.

    If you don't see it, check SPAM.
  • 2024 HorseStreet Par Times are Available Now!
    Special Note: If you pre-ordered pars they will be emailed today.

    The physical book orders are at the printer and should ship on Thursday.

    And, Yes. I can see there is a glitch on our store page.
  • Monty Hall Inquiry
    I think you need to get past expecting profit if any win.

    If this race is a good example of the races you bet, and usually you're betting horses that go off at 5/1 and above... consider this table:

    NM Races.
    201-PubChWIN BETS
    Field1 Field2  Starts   Pays    Pct   $Net     IV    PIV    AvPay AvOdds AvPubC
    <5/1           13,869  3,745   27.0  $1.68   1.81   1.04    $6.20   2.12   1.99
    Above          21,504  1,264    5.9  $1.43   0.43   0.90   $24.32  11.48   5.59
    Total          35,373  5,009   14.2  $1.53   1.00   0.98

    This represents a 5,000-race random sample from 2023 of all horses below 5/1.
    (There were obviously 9 deadheats.)

    Of the 5,000 races, 3,745 winners were under 5/1.
    That's 74.9%, leaving you just 25.1% of races producing winners such as the one above.

    NM Races.
    Field1 Field2  Starts   Pays    Pct   $Net     IV    PIV     AvPay AvOdds AvPubC
    <5/1   r 1-3   11,135  3,180   28.6  $1.66   1.90   1.04     $5.82   1.95   1.86
    <5/1   above    2,734    565   20.7  $1.73   1.42   1.04     $8.35   3.11   2.53
    Above  r 1-3    4,653    413    8.9  $1.59   0.63   0.95    $17.86   7.70   4.38
    Above  above   16,851    851    5.1  $1.39   0.37   0.88    $27.46  13.18   5.92
    Total          35,373  5,009   14.2  $1.53   1.00   0.98

    Imagine that your horses are ALL one of the best 3 horses in the field. (Here I've used PSR as an indicator Like BRIS Prime Power.)

    Above  r 1-3    4,653    413    8.9  $1.59   0.63   0.95    $17.86   7.70   4.38

    I question that you can consistently bet 3 horses per race, Dutch, and expect to make profit long term.
  • Monty Hall Inquiry

    Understand that I am not being critical here.
    I'm on your side.

    #1   $28     6.4          $23
    #3   $21     14.20     $11
    #10 $10     5.30       $26

    So, you bet $10 on the winner and should have bet $26.

    Do you see that Dutching from a poorly estimated tote doesn't work?

    Consider that 74% of all winners are bet down from their GATE ODDS, while the losers go up.
    It does NOT average out!

    I believe that if you play a couple of days of races and track how you bet vs. how you should have bet and you will see that this is the norm. If you are constantly seeing your winners' odds going do and your loser's odds going up, then you know your betting strategy is not sustainable.

    You cashed a ticket but squandered a chance to make big money and basically broke even instead of winning $100.

    Consider Howard Sartin's old approach with 2-horse betting.
    He advocated a 60-40% split, with 60% on the low odds horse and 40% on the higher odds.

    Now, consider the stat that I offered where I said that 74% of winners are bet down from their gate odds and the losers are bet up.

    That's equivalent to saying, "I'm doing it backwards."
    So what if you REVERSED it and played an ANTI-DUTCH?

    How does that work?

    Consider your original bet in the race: $60.
    So, each horse gets the DIFFERENCE between $60 and his bet.
    Let's pretend that's how we split the money.
    #1   $28    becomes  $32
    #3   $21    becomes  $39
    #10 $10    becomes  $50
    Total = $121

    Use THOSE BETS to divide the money.

    #1   $28    becomes  $32      32 / 121 x 60  = $16
    #3   $21    becomes  $39      39 / 121 x 60  = $19
    #10 $10    becomes  $50      50 / 121 x 60  = $25

    What do you think?
  • Monty Hall Inquiry
    Finished #10/3/6. The Even money favorite #8 was 4th. Wagered $60.00 and returned $63.00.Jim Pommier

    1. How did you split the money?

    2. Why did you do it that way?
  • Monty Hall Inquiry

    This has the potential to be a very worthwhile conversation, but it really needs to be an interactive conversation as opposed to a Dave Lecture.

    Some Basic Questions to Start
    1) Are you interested in applying the Monty Hall approach to your 3 contenders?
    2) Do you want to HANDICAP your 3 contenders down to a single play?
    3) Do you want to bet all 3 horses in some sort of Dutch?
  • Which Tracks Are Most Handicapable?

    Ah... You're "Autumn Lotus" on PA!

    Read that other post I made in your other thread on PA yesterday. That's where the meat of winning can be found. But most people would rather not work so hard.

    How People Handicap (my reply on PA)
  • Which Tracks Are Most Handicapable?

    PEN & CT are most definitely in the list.

    Go to the alpha list and you can find them easily.

    All the tracks are there.
  • The deTerminator
    PS: In Chaos races, the AI often suggests how to handicap the race, when to do NO HANDICAPPING (yes, that's a thing), and sometimes even suggests who to put money on.
  • The deTerminator
    What makes this section of the program so neat is that there are so many ways to get OPINIONS & ADVICE from the AI.

    For example, something that gets displayed this week is THE CHAOS METER, which PREDICTS the CHANCES that the race will be CHAOTIC.

    This is NOT based upon things like field size, how many FTS, etc. In other words, it is not based upon "THERE'S NOT MUCH INFO IN THIS RACE, SO THE PRICE SHOULD BE HIGH."

    It is based upon the likelihood that THE PUBLIC'S HANDICAPPING WON'T WORK or HOW CONFUSED THE PUBLIC WILL BE in this race, and is TOTALLY AI DRIVEN.

    This will rock the world of tournament those who play tournaments, longshot, or focus on multi-race bets.
  • The deTerminator

    All of that makes logical sense.

    However, the ALL CH choice should really have a TOP HORSE with your odds. (Odds meaning an easy way to enter "hit rate.")

    <This screen is still evolving a bit.>

    About this screen...
    There are currently 3 sources.
    1) Tote Board - (Could be scraped or manually entered)
    2) AdjML - Adjusted Morning Line (Morning Line adjusted to the right Booking Percents for this track.
    3) AI - This was generated by the AI.
    note: Everything green was generated by the AI.

    This is where you enter your opinion of the horses chances.
    I set 3 horses to have odds (probs) - #2, #7, #3
    The method of my entry was a straight calculation of Pct=1/(odds+1). Doesn't have to be that way.

    Look at #1 - Master of None.
    Think of a "3" under "choice" as "should run like a 3rd choice in this race."

    The AI has a hand it modifying that "In this Race" part.

    See the #8 in the CH column?
    That means, "Please use the AI to tell me what this horse's percent should be."
    Notice it is green indicating the AI's involvement..

    This section is the MATHEMATICAL RESULT of taking the calculating the DATA ENTRY section by using the "CALC" button.

    She the "Show Which Method" at the top?

    By clicking "Rep" it populated that section with the output of REPORTS THAT YOU CREATED and turned on for handicapping.

    (Section should really be called "Which Method")
    Depending upon WHICH METHOD is chosen, that title will change to AI or one of the Agents.