• ponyplayer
    Dave suggested that we get together working groups to help
    each other learn deTerminator. He also suggested that we
    post a short bio so others can find a group that works well for them.

    I am Brian Busse (aka PonyPlayer) from El Paso. Right now, I am the
    construction superintendent for a 100,000 sq ft warehouse. I started
    programming back in 1970 with COBOL and Fortan and then forgot
    most everything that I learned. It did get me into the role of computer
    geek for most of the companies that I have worked for (desktop, not

    I have been using JCapper (Jeff Platt) for 15 years. I have gotten to
    the point of breaking even. I currently have developed a comprehensive
    Excel workbook for laying out past performance data which I use for
    my daily/core handicapping. I am confident deTerminator will make
    me profitable. My goal is to turn pro and handicap full-time.

    Dave didn't recommend a size for our groups so we'll see how
    many of us want to hook-up in each.

    Repy if you are interested in working together.
  • Jim Pommier
    Hello Pony. Jimmy or Jim here from Chicagoland. Grew up in Louisville. Now semi retired. Part-time handicapper looking to become "consistently" profitable. Some very good years, good years, so-so, and down years. Looking to become a more consistent and profitable handicapper each and every year.
    Thanks for putting the group together. I'm very much interested in working together with you and the other deT's out there.
  • Gillycapper
    Hello Guys.
    John here from R.I. Been handicapping horses since I was 23 years old (25+ years). Like Jim some good years and bad. Looking to improve utilizing the AI system. Looking forward to it! Looking forward to meeting others.
  • Dr J
    Hey Gents most everyone just calls me J, I am from KY (aka why I grew up going to the tracks and betting a little now). In my regular day job I develop websites and applications for clients. For the horses I would say I am just your average player, looking to get better. Professional would be amazing but would need to get a ton better before even throwing that idea around. Looking forward to seeing how this all goes.
  • Dave R
    Hi guys, Dave Ramold here from Houston, Texas. I grew up in Nebraska so got baptized to the game of horseracing at an early age. My parents would take me to the track Aksarben which by the way was an awesome track before it shut down. I have an oil and gas business and also play horse tournaments. I have also owned racehorses for about 20 years, and we mostly ran the Midwest tracks. Sam Houston, Fair Grounds, Oaklawn, Lone Star, Remington, Prairie Medows, Canterbury. Before now I mostly use TM racing data and Betmix to handicap. I am excited to be able to work with you all, it should be a lot of fun and hopefully we make a little money along the way!
  • Jim Pommier
    Aksarben, Nebraska spelled backwards. Made several trips there when I was working in Des Moines back in the 80's. Pre on-line wagering-- so I made the 2.5-3 hour trip on the weekends. I remember the great Who Doctor Who. I think it was the late Terry Wallace on the call. Packed crowds when the Doctor ran-- and Terry, he would get the crowd into a frenzy with his call-- "Here comes the Doctor". Some fans cheering on while standing on the hoods of their cars in the infield.
    I also met a fella there who had been to I want to say 25 or 30 straight KY Derby's. He wore a huge hat he made I think out of wood that looked like the Churchill Downs grandstand with the twin spires. He was on the national Derby broadcast many years. Oh the good ol' days.
  • Dave R
    Yes Who Doctor Who was a legion there! I remember they setup a 3 horse race, The Doctor and the first horse to win a million-dollar purse Gate Dancer and I can't remember the other horse LOL. Also, the great Jack VanBerg would kick ass there! Fun times!
  • Neal Freedman
    Hi guys, Neal Freedman from Philadelphia, but born and raised in Baltimore not far from Pimlico. My day job is as an actuary, so I always had a fascination with numbers and probabilities. Been playing the horses on and off for several decades. Looking to add to my upcoming retirement and look forward to meeting and working with meeting and working with all of you.
  • Jim Michalak
    brian: i used jcapper for about 2-3 years. i could not get where i wanted to with it because i couldn't figure out/use the sequel query portion of the program. jeff is a great guy though. i would be interested in working with you. thanks.
  • Atakante
    Hi, fellow deTERMINATORs. My name is Atakan (Kahn is the nick) and I am based in Las Vegas. I grew up in Turkey, where I first went to horse races with my dad as a kid. I've been in the U.S. since mid-90s...first to study than with work. I have been in the software industry in the capacities of Product Manager/Marketing Manager including stints with Big Tech as well as startups. Currently, I'm with a Machine Learning software startup helping enterprises make sense out of their data, e.g., fraud detection.
    As a handicapper, I've been mostly betting on big days due to time constraints and had a mixed bag of results but not profitable in aggregate. During the pandemic, I developed my own statistical models on top of Brisnet data and had better success...work in progress. I'm here to improve and better understand the fascinating problem of handicapping, which strikes me as majority science and minority art/luck. If things turn profitable too, I won't be too upset about it! :)
  • ponyplayer
    Jim Pommier
    Dr J
    Jim Michalak
    Dave R
    Neal Freedman
    John G

    How many of us are in on the beta release? How many do you think
    we should limit the group to so it doesn't get too wild on the calls?
    How do we get all the smart guys so the rest of us dummies can
    learn faster?

    I can set up a Zoom call for us once a week to get through the release.
    Then see how it goes after? How about 8 eastern -7-6-5 pacific for a
    call time. Too late? Too early??

    Wednesday evening is my best night for now. Monday and Friday are
    2nd choice. I get my fat butt to yoga class on Tuesday and Thursday
    and would prefer other nights.

    Chime in!!
  • Atakante
    Wednesday evening is a good option for me. If not, Monday or Thursday. I don't have a preference on what the number limit should be for beta release...deferring to Dave on that.
  • Dave Schwartz
    Wednesday evening is a good option for me. If not, Monday or Thursday. I don't have a preference on what the number limit should be for beta release...deferring to Dave on that.Atakante

    I think I'll leave you guys alone to organize a bit.

    My opinion would be that you match up by approaches, goals, strategies.

    For example, a tourney player sees the world different than a 2-horses per race win bettor.

    But the conversation that @ponyplayer started was a great idea.
    (Thanks, Brian.)
  • Gillycapper
    Wednesday or Thursday evening works for me. thxs!
  • Dave R
    How many HSH users do we have? I have a feeling those users are going to have a leg up and can probably get us nonusers up to speed.
  • ponyplayer
    Jim Pommier =
    Dr J =
    Jim Michalak =
    Dave R =
    Neal Freedman =
    John G =
    Atakante =
    PonyPlayer = using JCapper and Excel spreadsheet = betting non-favorites
    win-exacta-trifecta to get to professional status = tournaments
    for fun but I know that I need some tournament-type longshots
    to hit the big ones to make a living wagering. .Daily doubles
    or pick-3's, no longer sequences because I have never been
    good enough to hit any of them. And I REALLY hate losing!!.

    What are you using and your expectations?
  • Dave Schwartz
    And I REALLY hate losing!!.ponyplayer

    My kind of guy.
  • Dean millward
    Dean Millward
    Pic 3 Daily doubles
    Early Late style
  • Dave Schwartz
    I've got an idea!

    Let's do a quick meeting TONIGHT at 7pm pacific time!
    (It will not be recorded.)

    Topic: Moving to the Winners' Circle
    Time: Jun 27, 2024 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 845 7279 0083
    Passcode: 660196
  • Jim Michalak
    i like to focus on pace, especially early speed on speed favoring tracks and surfaces. i bet w, p, x, tri and sf's.
  • Dave Schwartz

    Did you notice the post just above?
  • Jim Michalak
    angles as well. i use tips, urti, power pace and the move and my own homegrown, steve farmer programmed software jmh.
  • Jim Michalak
    yes, i am already there. thanks.
  • ponyplayer
    Jim Pommier =
    Dave R =
    Neal Freedman =
    John G =
    Atakante =
    Dr J =

    Jim Michalak = i like to focus on pace, especially early speed on speed favoring tracks and surfaces. i bet w, p, x, tri and sf's. Angles as well. i use tips, urti, power pace and the move and my own homegrown, steve farmer programmed software jmh.

    Dean Millward = Pic 3 Daily doubles - Early Late style

    PonyPlayer = I need some tournament-type longshots
    to hit the big ones to make a living wagering. .Daily doubles
    or pick-3's, no longer sequences because I have never been
    good enough to hit any of them.

    And the rest of you??
  • Jim Pommier
    Jim Pommier = I like to use trainer stats, speed and Prime Power. Win and horizontal wagers.
  • Gillycapper
    I used DRF and Timeform in the past. Love tournaments myself. I do like the pick 4/5 sequences.
  • Atakante
    I strive to be data driven vs. static rules. What data has shown me is that pace handicapping is for real and all other factors are dubious at best. Never was able to make much sense of Trainer stats. Is a 22% trainer (read 78% loser) that much better than a 15%er? I suspect yes but negligible. And if you get into the weeds then you end up with too few observations to rely on. I like the BRIS PPs format in general and have come to believe Thorograph figures and form factors are also useful but no panacea on their own. If they show Horse A is really a slow animal that has to have a lifetime best, it's usually so in reality. Rich Strike was in the ball park that day btw.
  • Dave R
    I mostly use Ed Tuckers TM racing data. It is like DRF or brisnet but I feel it has way better numbers to the two I mentioned. I also use Betmix but really only for video and tracking pedigree. I am big into pedigree and make all bets but lean more towards horizontal betting. Also, my best profits come from my watch horses that I submit when I see a runner that looks like can win a lot of races. Most of the horses I put in this watch list are young horses with a bright future. Also, from owning racehorses for so many years I have quite a few connections that let me know when a horse may be ready to win. Look forward to working with you all!
  • Jim Pommier
    Curious how what I'll call your "connection" horses do. I was part owner of a horse several years ago and never had any real success with recommended horses. Recall one was bet down from 5-2 to 3-5, the gate opened, and the horse didn't move. Jockey shook the reins-- the horse walked out, then around the gate and back towards the barn. I know they don't all win, but guessing you're doing okay since you mentioned it.
  • Dave R
    Yes, I know several trainers and exercise rider's ex jocks mostly. I have found that most trainers are terrible at handicapping a race. I have no idea why maybe they have to many other things to worry about. Also, most of them all think they will win the race Imagin that LOL. But you can really get quite a bit of good information on young horses how they are doing etc. Then if a trainer lets you know how they are going to approach the race, pace wise that can be very valuable information for us handicappers in determining race shape. The exercise rider's are great like way better than clockers! They know how they are gliding accross the track, breathing, energy levels, how they come back after working etc.
  • Joe Giliberto
    Joe Giliberto here from CT. Been an HSH user for years and part time capper. Still working my day job but I would like to increase the time/days I handicap. I have concentrated on pace and trainer stats to get win bets and exactas. Last year was slightly profitable but I only played about 30 days. Unfortunately I am starting my vacation tomorrow so I will probably miss the first days of fun getting up to speed on deTerminator, but I hope the internet works well where I am staying so I can get things rolling.
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