
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    One more thing it could be, @Red Knave.

    Are you sure you don't have your ranks & mags set to something like 3 & 2, and that's why they are showing blanks?
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    For HSH users... Remember that DET works a different than HSH in the sense that>>>

    In HSH
    ... when you imported races and results it left the newest day OPEN.
    DET does not do that.

    From my earlier post...

    Consider that 3rd step.
    Imagine you have DET open or, have closed it and then reopened.

    It is NOT using the newly imported data!
    You are still seeing the data from when you were using it last!

    This has a lot of potential for a mistake.

    Now, imagine that you understand this and decide you must reopen the day.
    Go go to FILE> Open Day, and open the day again.
    But first... it prompts you to save the day.
    If you say YES, you just saved the OLD DATA over the top of the NEWEST!

    IOW, you wiped out the importing of the PPs and the charts!
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    First, here's PRX09 from yesterday.
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    Just got a similar question from one of the guys who is doing really well with DET, so I am going to assume, I've not explained it very well.

    DATA FLOW (simple version)
    1. Using HSDL...
    download today's races and yesterday's charts.
    2. Using HSD...
    A. Import yesterday's & today's races
    B. Import yesterday's charts.
    C. Post yesterday's Key Data.
    3. In DET...
    If you currently have YESTERDAY OPEN...

    If you are missing any of those steps, it will not be right.
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    No, this was yesterday-- PRX races R6 and R9. RKnave is showing Odds where I was not. I don't recall a manual scratch, but I'm not 100%. So if I did a manual scratch, that could be what's causing those horses to be blank.Jim Pommier

    My guess:
    1. You didn't import yesterday's results.
    Correct process is to re-import PPs, then results, the post key data.
    2. Reopen the day in DET.
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    This is today?
    Did you apply early scratches?
    Before opening the race?
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    Look at a FTS-friendly report.
    See if it has values.

    If it does, it is a foreign horse, marked with "f" instead of "F"
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    Or did you apply manual scratches?

    If so, that is a known bug which is fixed in 1.0004 and should be released this morning.

    (That’s why I said to apply early scratches before opening any race until I get this bug fixed.)
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    Did you apply early scratches and forgot to close the race and reopen?
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    Are they FTS?
  • Pay it forward
    So, if I'm reading your comments correctly there are some chaos 5 races where you do not get the error message that reads "The Engine Declines to handicap this race"?Dave R

    The AI declines fields less than 4 and maidens on the turf.

    There just aren't that many of those.

    After we get some bugs nailed, I'll force the AI to handicap those after the warning.
  • Pay it forward
    @Dave R
    It does.

    It’s ME who isn’t sure about doing that; not the software.
  • Chaos rating
    No, it was not recorded.
    It was just conversation - with @ponyplayer and @Jim Michalak leading the conversation.

    Was not meant to be recorded.
  • Chaos rating

    Still, you're invited to ask away.

    Plenty of people here have gained plenty of knowledge already.

    Yesterday's Live Play really helped in several ways, I think.
  • Pay it forward
    Do you see how Ken Fee has managed to Build a SCENARION STRATEGY?

    See how he has worked through a thought process for how a SCENARIO such as this should be handled.

    @Ken Fee correct me if I am wrong, but I'm betting this conclusion was a trial and error process that took effort. Did you have to tinker with it much?
  • Pay it forward
    People, may I suggest that we all begin using the HEART symbol in the lower right corner of a post when you see it was meaningful, important, or on whatever scale you see it.

    This will help new people to get an idea of who the contributors are.
  • I think I broke it...
    Sorry, but that is not the problem.

    Also, 1.0001 will stop running tomorrow.

    It is a mandatory upgrade.
    There is nothing wrong with 1.0002.
    The issue was your original copy.

    I guarantee it.
  • I think I broke it...
    Will upgrade 002 overwrite permissions or should I start with 000?

    Will reinstalling 000 overwrite my data files or do I need to

    I thought I wrote about that.
    It overwrites nothing other than the .exe.
    But don't you already have 1.0002?
  • Looking at previous day races
    You must fire the reports.
    As soon as I get past the current round of critical bugs, I'll go back to videos.
  • I think I broke it...
    Not sure how.
    Is this your 2nd computer? The one that you copied over to?
    If so, guess is that some file or folder permissions were not copied.