09JUL2024 - PRX R9 For HSH users... Remember that DET works a different than HSH in the sense that>>>
... when you imported races and results it left the newest day OPEN.
DET does not do that.
From my earlier post...
Consider that 3rd step.
Imagine you have DET open or, have closed it and then reopened.
It is NOT using the newly imported data!
You are still seeing the data from when you were using it last!
This has a lot of potential for a mistake.
Now, imagine that you understand this and decide you must reopen the day.
Go go to FILE> Open Day, and open the day again.
But first... it prompts you to save the day.
If you say YES, you just saved the OLD DATA over the top of the NEWEST!
IOW, you wiped out the importing of the PPs and the charts!