
  • Definitions = A Thesaurus of deTerminator concepts
    My question is: "dots represent races where the horse was asked to do something different
    from what he is being asked to do today." What is different?
    Could the race distance be 1/16th different versus 1/8th? Blinkers On or blinkers Off?
    Guessing some would be races taken off the Turf and moved to dirt or Tapeta. Many horses at GPX will not scratch out of Turf races moved to the Tapeta.
    Also, as claiming horses win, they lose that condition and move up (NW2L to NW3L). Horses that lose may then be moved down in claiming price. Are these considered different?
    I think that most trainers figure out what's best for the horse, but have to do something different based on the horse's class condition and the availability of similar races in the condition book.
  • Saratoga - Off TwinSpires
    Rumor is that NYRA/TS worked things out today. Guess we'll see tomorrow.
  • Understanding Reports - 001 The Basics
    Reports: The first Column on the left is Pct, and then there's Reynolds 2 (Rey2). I notice that some horses may have a low Pct, but are a Rey2 = 1. Trying to understand the difference.
  • How About a Monday Night Q & A Session?
    My question: How to create a report to determine if a horse is dropping in class today? Also, class in general-- a report to show which horses have the best class (maybe a ranking).
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    Yes, I tried the other step. Not sure what the problem is.
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    I went thru and downloaded/imported. My PRX09 looks different than yours. Still have the blanks.
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    No, this was yesterday-- PRX races R6 and R9. RKnave is showing Odds where I was not. I don't recall a manual scratch, but I'm not 100%. So if I did a manual scratch, that could be what's causing those horses to be blank.
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    No, not a foreign horse.
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    I don't recall any manual scratches, but not 100% sure. So that may be it. We can move on with the 1.0004 release and see if I or anyone else sees it again.
  • 09JUL2024 - PRX R9
    No, not FTS's. It's an Allowance race. Also, same day, PRX R6-- the #6 is blank. Both are Chaos 5. But, the other C5 races are okay.
  • 2 early chaos 5 bombs: r1 parx; r2 del today: 7/8/24
    Not sure. Today at IND-- C5's R1 $5.20 and R3 $4.20. Low payouts plus a difficult to handicap R2 $45.40 winner who was last in aML and PSR. The R3 and R4 double paid $6.10.
    PRX had very nice payouts so far-- $17.00, $7.20, $18.60, $19.20 and $13.00. But, 5 out of the last 6 races at PRX were C5's-- so going all is not reasonable.
    I think you could look at all's when one of the connecting races is a BALO where you can throw out the low price favorite and hook up 1-2 contenders with an all C5.
    Otherwise look at Ken's strategy, or something like it, where you narrow the contenders down to two price horses. If you're unable to get to two price horses or there's what looks like an unbeatable 3-5 horse-- then simply pass the race. There's enough C5's so that you can move on to the next one.
  • 2 early chaos 5 bombs: r1 parx; r2 del today: 7/8/24
    I saw those. Unfortunately I was on one of the other bombs. Still a couple more C5's today.
  • Pay it forward
    Quick question. The aML and IRA reports. Is this and/or-- or does the horse have to be 10 or higher in both? Or simply 10 or higher in either?
  • Results issue - 03JUL2024
    Okay, working okay now.
  • The deT AI software
    Follow up to my above question. I recall you said that the Whales update their systems only once a year-- I think you said sometime during the winter. Is there any future plans for something like that with deT?
  • Chaos rating
    Back to Chaos 5 races. When you click on AI Race it displays Chaos=5 and then Key Call=1st Call, Key Call=Str Call, etc. Is the AI saying that the Key Call displayed is still important even though it's a Chaos=5 race?
  • Chaos rating
    02JUL2024. The following were #1: No BALO race / Chaos 5. Several of these races had multiple AI BH's, but only 1 or 2 were BALO's. So there was still 1 or 2 AI BH Mag 1's left in the race. I made a few notes below so everyone can go back and review if they want. I'm not sure what the Clear Strategy would be, but something to think about. The three (3) A+ certainly catch my eye. But, note there were multiple A+'s in the race.

    TDN R1 #3 $26.00 Mag 1 A+
    PRX R5 #3 $55.60 Mag 0 A+
    PRX R7 #1 $16.40 Mag 0 D-
    PRX R8 #9 $5.80 Mag 1 BALO F
    PRX R10 #5 $12.60 Mag 1 B
    FLX R8 #4 $15.40 Mag 0 D

    The following were #4: BALO race / Chaos 5. In these races, any and all AI BH Mag 1's were BALO's.
    PRX R9 #5 $32.20 Mag 0 A+
    IND R1 #3 $5.60 Mag1 BALO C-
  • Tested the AI and it hits BIG!
    Please feel free to provide any "winner(s) analysis like you did with the PK3 score. I and a few others just got up and running today. Especially any of your own methods or if you come across any nuggets that we didn't cover in the Zoom meetings.