
  • How to find the improving horse
    The SLTs are coming.
    They do quite a bit.
    Also, take a look at the object known as O2X.

    This considers the last 3 races relative to the horses 10-race top.
    The 1st and 2nd races are far more important than the 3rd.

    The Power Ratings will be more powerful than Speed Ratings because speed ratings are highly impacted by the pace of race.
  • big shout out to jimmy pommier for his work out idea:
    224 Days - Days Since Last Race and 225 DaysWR - Days Since Last Race or WO. If the days are different, factor 225 days is less than factor 224, then you know the horse had a workout. 227 Work14 - (last 14 days) then gives you the WO rating if the WO was in the last 14 days. There's also 228 Work30 If you want to check workouts further out from today's race.Jim Pommier

    This is BRILLIANT!
    I completely forgot the logic that was possible with this!

    It will be easy to add this factor!

    Thank you!
  • day of the race and jockey switches in general
    The data you're looking will be found in "Easy" data.

    Doubt this will make the Gold release.
    Just so much more important stuff first.
  • Starter Optional Eligibles to Claim or Not
    I usually just handicap the race...Jim Pommier

    Me, too.
  • How to bet "The Neal"
    Thanks, guys. The strategy as outlined by ponyplayer accurately captures the spirit and essence of the strategy. A couple of quick fine points:Neal Freedman

    This is fantastic!
    You've captured the very essence of the source of The Situational Advantage.

    This thread is too important to not share with the world.
  • How to bet "The Neal"
    This is an excellent strategy.

    Well done, @Neal Freedman & @ponyplayer!
  • and yet another deT/jockey switch daily double bomb!
    Selections are for BEFORE the race picks.
    No, this is great!
  • BALO Performance
    For instance, I have noticed that if a horse may have a rank of 2 and a margin of 2 on only 1 of the pace lines it is most likely a marginal BALO at best. If it doesn't rank at all on several lines, it is a strong BALO. I am beginning to think that we need a tool to calibrate the AI so that we may make it stronger or at least make our elimination processes stronger.Dave R

    Great idea.
    I will add this to the tracking process.

    I like the idea of BALO1 & BALO2, based upon what Mags they were eliminated on.
  • BALO Performance
    I find that if a BALO is present, it tends to be a more chaotic race vs. a less chaotic race. Larger fields, more chaotic conditions, tepid favorites in general, etc. In some ways, it is also useful as a race selection filter.Dennis

    That was one of the points I originally made!

    Recall the talk that begins with... "You have a horse who is 3/5. He got that way because he really is the best horse in the race. (when you look at his factors.)"

    "If the handicapping works, this horse is the obvious winner."

    "Therefore, one could say that for you to cash a ticket on another horse, THE HANDICAPPING MUST FAIL!"

    That's the very definition of chaos!
  • BALO Performance
    I was just thinking... since all favs win at ~39%, and these BALOs are (likely) to be lower odds than the average favorite, that would put the IV probably around 0.65 or so.
  • BALO Performance
    Excellent work, @Dennis!

    :100: :clap: :clap:
  • BALO Performance
    Do these BALO's win at about the same rate as their projected AI odds?Slim

    Since @Dennis did the study, he can provide a better answer. But as I recall, the net loss was around 25% - a far cry from the normal loss.

    But I think you were asking a different question.
    The simple answer is NO, they don't.

    The goal of the AI LINE/BALO process is not to predict either a hit rate or the odds. It is to predict how the horses SHOULD BE BET based upon past history.
    In my spare time, I'm working on the reverse of this, BTW. That is, the relationship between AI LINE and final odds, with the idea of using a pseudo GATE ODDS figure.

    The concept would be to create FAKE GATE ODDS - something like half way between AI Line and final odds. Thus, a horse that was (say) 32/1 on the AI Line but was bet down to (say) 25% the FAKE GATE ODDS (i.e. 8/1) would be live.

    Not suggesting that you'd actually GET 8/1 - more likely to get 3/1 or less - but such a horse has no business being 8/1, let alone 3/1. Such horses MAY turn out to be hot plays.
  • Batch Down Load & Posting
    @Jim Parker
    Since you asked so nicely <g>...

    There is a new HSD (HorseStreet Data) importer version available in everyone's DropBox.

    HSD v1.0017.
    It supports batch processing.
  • Batch Down Load & Posting
    Maybe two months
  • Recalc
    So, when get I get AI Engine Declines to handicap this race. What I have found is that no matter how many scratches there is, you still get that message when it pulls up after you hit the recalc button. Am I doing something wrong or that just how it is?Dave R

    However, in the first full release, it WILL handicap but will produce a warning.

    Maybe you'd like to see the actual confidence level it has in the race data?
  • Recalc
    If it refuses it is not going to handicap it.
  • Feel Like Talking Handicapping Tonight? (Aug 5)
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